We live in a very birdy environment. It makes taking pictures a real joy. I put together a gallery of birds I see regularly in my woods or at the feeders. At this point, I have hundreds — possibly thousands — of bird photographs starting in 2012 and continuing. A lot of this group are recent taken during winter snowstorms. I might slip a few pictures in that I took last year.

Categories: #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Cardinal, Chickadee, Goldfinch, House Finch, Woodpeckers

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11 replies

  1. I’m loving the little house finch on the bottom left…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have some great shots of House Finches. They are tend to flock with the Goldfinch, so in the summer they show up in a big bunch of mixed yellow and red finches. There are a few around, though they aren’t really red right now. Wrong season. Their color will come up when they are ready to mate.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely colourful selection you have. Now and again something new will arrive, but otherwise it is all sparrows and tits here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We’ll get some new ones really soon — March and April will see the return of the migrants. We just live in an area with a lot of birds. There are a lot of birds we rarely see because they are insect eaters, not seed eaters. So I finally bought a big lump of bird suet with meal worms in it. The little chickadees really LOVE it. We have all your sparrows, too. They are one of the MOST common birds in North America, having spread across the continent since they arrived in 1851 — and they are identical. We now have half a dozen of them. Originally, we had just one.

      I’m sure more will show up. The thing about sparrows is that they tend to take over. The more you have, the fewer other birds you have and there’s not much you can do about it. At least they are pretty.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Award worthy photos Marilyn.


    • Thanks! We’re expecting snow tonight and every day for the next five days. The birds eat even more when the weather is bad. Maybe it’s because I put out extra food for them?


  4. Such beautiful photography! Thank you for this avian peep into a birdy world…they all look very satisfied too!


  5. Awesome shots! The blue jays are brilliant!


    • And abundant. We used to see a Blue Jay once in a while, but THIS year, we have had as many as a dozen of them on the deck and feeders at the same time. There are even more, waiting in the branches for a few to fly off so they have room. They are striking and although they are considered a very aggressive bird, they aren’t aggressive on our deck, maybe because there’s plenty of food.



  1. Bird Weekly Round-Up – Week #35 – Our Eyes Open