FOTD – March 30 – How my indoor garden grows!

I felt I deserved a present so I bought myself a pot of Easter lilies. Now on sale. These are all big buds, so I hope they will bloom. After which I have to figure out how to store them through the winter. I think there’s some digging to do and storage issues. I’ll figure it out. Meanwhile, though, my garden has grown by one more plant.

The collection

Dirt, a spade, and a watering can — the essentials of indoor gardening.

Categories: Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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2 replies

  1. Hoping the buds will really blossom for you.

    See the lilies of the field, how they blossom with nurturing, love and care.


  2. Cool photos for today Marilyn 😀

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