CFFC: Black and White vs. Color

I love photography. Color or black & white, it love it all. I also think there’s a best time for each kind. The best black and white photography — for me — are pictures with either lots of angles, shadows, and/or texture. In color photos, I want the color to be important and not just “there.”

Realistically, most pictures are taken in color because our cameras are set up for color and you either have to change the camera settings (if you have a camera that allows that) or alter color to monochrome with software.

Occasionally, black and white photographs are inherently monochrome. Some animals — Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, for example — are black and white. So are many snowscapes. Urban landscapes can be close to black and white from the start.

My least favorite black & white pictures are flowers because to me, the color of a flower is the soul of the picture. Nonetheless, I’ve included a couple that had a lot of contrast. You lose the color, but gain design.

I also like portraits in black and white and for many years, did most commercial portraits in monochrome using shadows to make statements about the subject. So much of that has been lost by using color for everything.

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Flowers, #Photography, Anthurium, baking, Cee's Photo Challenge, colors, orchids

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6 replies

  1. Black and white, color.., it’s all about the light.., especially for B&W. I know that for me, what often looks good in color, often doesn’t translate to B&W. I think the particular attraction in B&W movies is the lighting, and the fact that those films were staged a lot differently, more carefully. The guys who shot those things, both directors and cameramen were geniuses, they knew light and didn’t depend on a lot of effects to present the story. I, for one, could be riveted to almost any of those old films.., and especially “Film Noir.”


    • I guess I could say the same, although I think of it more as shadows and angles — but really, it’s all about light. But a lot of color for me is also all about light, about how it passes through leaves and fabrics. I’m particularly fascinated by light at the end of a tunnel. Any tunnel whether it’s a manmade tunnel or a tunnel of trees. Darkness to bright. And I have a few thousand pictures to show for it, too 😀


  2. These are all wonderful. My favorite is of you and Garry in B&W 😀 😀


  3. That’s a nice trick, Marilyn.


    • It’s pat of the block editor. It actually is supposed to make the two pictures “match” but for some reason, didn’t make them match. At least this time I got it to work — more or less. Last time, I just gave up.
