I think trees are part of the poetry of earth. There are beautiful places where I’ve visited, but the lack of trees eventually made me yearn for home. I grew up in a woods and I have returned to the woods. To me, the earth should be green. There’s a certain scent you get from green and growing trees and all the greenery around it. It smells like life to me.

What a sky!
Manchaug dam

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Nature, New England, square, Trees

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8 replies

  1. I love trees. I don’t know, it’s just there.


  2. For the love of trees… Oh so lovely. Poetry, indeed!


    • They are food for your soul. And they do have a scent that speaks of earth. For all the inconveniences of living in the woods, there’s something special about it. It’s hard to put your finger on it exactly, but it sings.


  3. Beautiful, all of them 🙂


  4. oh Marilyn this is poetry, a lovely post. Trees speak to our soul 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • One of the things that made me come back from Jerusalem were trees. They did have trees. They even had a little “national forest,” though not the way we think of forests. More scrub pines than shady trees. After a while, I first missed the seasons, especially fall … and then, I missed just the changes. The differences.

      And ultimately, I wanted more green and less stone and sand.

      Liked by 1 person