CFFC: Candid Photography

I have always loved candid photography both of people and pets. I suppose there’s time for formal portraits — such as when you need photographs because you are an actor or a model — but I think most of us like pictures that look the way we want to be remembered. I’m pretty sure that’s also what other people want to see when they look at our pictures of us and others.

We didn’t do any formal wedding pictures except for those taken in church and the “my family,” “his family” setups. Otherwise, our photog and her assistant took great pictures that even today are fun to look at. She only had to organize us to take the single picture of us all gathered on the lawn by the church. There were so many of us back then. We have really scattered over the years.

Garry takes good candid shots of me. I have more trouble getting good ones of him, but I keep trying. One of these days, I’ll get exactly what I want!

All photos are by Garry or me.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Friendship, portrait

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4 replies

  1. Really candid ones. Not the ones, ‘made candid’ with prior planning, something like instagram candid in vogue. I hate those fake candid. Garry has done a good job indeed.

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  2. LOL, speaking of wedding photos, when I got married the first time, we handed the task of taking photos to my ex’s brother (who incidentally wanted a double wedding with HIS bride but she didn’t get her documents in time, thanks goodness for that!). So therefore, we had about 20 photos of HER and maybe 2 of us….. AND my dear father was so ‘into it all’ that he put in the same film twice and for the ‘real’ 2nd (actually the 3rd in his opinion) he forgot to close the back lid completely. A nice touch for the rest of our marriage! 🙂

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  3. What wonderful photos you both have taken over the years. 😀 😀

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