FOTD – February 7 – Primroses

Primroses from the garden shop
Wild primroses in natures best blue

Categories: #FOTD, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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4 replies

  1. Gorgeous photos Marilyn 😀


    • Thank you. I was just happy to discover what that flower IS. The people who sold it had no idea and the tag was missing, but Owen thought it was pretty and brought it home. Until I saw your picture, I had NO idea what it was.


  2. Lovely aren’t they. We’ve not had our winter, but it will arrive, shortly before Easter.
    So, we wait for planting season.
    Meanwhile no one told the roses winter was coming and in gardens around us they are coming out BIG TIME.


    • it’s very cold here. We had a pretty warm winter for the past two years, so we were surprised that we are having a real winter this year. Very cold. VERY cold and icy and sleety. So no flowers probably until mid April. I’m okay with everything as long as we keep getting RAIN — even if it starts as snow.

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