I did it again. Well, really, I didn’t have much choice. I had already opened the fish and used half the vegetables. They wouldn’t keep. I needed use the rest before it went bad. I think this will always be a problem. The amount of stuff you have to buy to make one meal is at least twice as much as you will need — maybe more.

We didn’t have a follow-up roast today, so I made miso soup and fresh rice. I ran out of appetite before I ran out of food. Luckily I had Garry by my side to finish off all my extra maki!

If you want recipes, I can give them to you, but you’re better off getting a cookbook. It’s not just the food you need. You also need a variety of other standard ingredients — dashi, miso, dried seaweed, tofu, wasabi powder, ginger root, rice wine. Unless you are already Japanese, you probably don’t stock these normally, so you’d need to buy or order them. I bought the book first, then figured out what I would need.

What you DON’T need is a rolling mat. Other than keeping rolls from sticking to the cutting board — which you can easily do with a damp paper towel or a piece of wax paper — they don’t serve any purpose and I notice they don’t use them in restaurants.

You will also need medium or short-grained rice which, for the purposes of making maki rolls or sushi, you will not rinse so that stays sticky. Brown rice doesn’t work for this kind of food, but the food is really healthy. You can eat a lot and not feel like you’ve pigged out.

Also, unless like me you are a pottery junkie, you don’t need Japanese rice bowls or porcelain hashi (chopsticks). I just love pottery and I have a lot of it. Much of it was gifts from people who know me well enough to know I will never turn away a nice piece of pottery. I will always find room for it.

And that is the other reason I don’t have cats. Dogs may chew up the coffee table, but they won’t leap onto shelves so all the irreplaceable antique pottery crashes to the ground.

I did buy the rice bowls and I should regret it — but I love them. They are so shiny they always look wet. So bright and colorful. A perfect size for soup or rice — and the sound of porcelain hashi tapping on porcelain rice bowls tickles my pottery collector’s brainwaves.

You don’t need them. I didn’t need them, but I love them.

Tomorrow, it’s back to other kinds of food. I have leftover lamb which will become lamb stew. I think we are maki-ed out for the now and besides, I ran out of full-sized seaweed wrappers. Until they arrive next week, it’s time to try other entrees. I’m pondering making ginger chicken.

I have fresh ginger root waiting for me!

Categories: #Books, #Food, #gallery, #Photography, #Recipes, Anecdote, Cooking

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19 replies

  1. HI Marilyn, I love that you experiment with food and enjoy cooking. I do too. Sometimes buying something you don’t need, but just want is good for the soul.


    • Well, some piece of me was madly in love with porcelain rice bowls and no one argued with me — AND everyone uses them.

      Honestly, I started doing all this cooking because I got tired of eating the same food all the time and never having money to go out. It was learn to cook or eat hamburger forever. We were all getting too bored to bother eating 🙂 I sure solved THAT problem.

      Liked by 1 person

        • It has increased my hours in the kitchen, but vastly improved how I feel about the food when I eat. It’s great to have good food and not need to go out to a ridiculously expensive restaurant to get it. It is, however taking up an awful lot more time. I’m in the kitchen between two and five hours on an average day just for the preparation. Then there’s another hour of eating and cleaning up. It takes time to feed the birds, water the plants (inside and out). Processing pictures takes time and even rewriting older pieces takes more time than I expect. I always think I’ll just need to change a few words and instead, inevitably wind up completely rewriting the post.

          At least I’m enjoying the food!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Well, food is one of life’s pleasures so that’s good. I enjoy cooking, thank goodness, that makes the time in the kitchen easier. I agree that everything in life always takes much longer than expected. I always seem to take twice as long on everything than I planned.


            • Me too. But I think it’s because once I’m IN the kitchen, I’m cooking, but I’m also cleaning up at the same time. I like coming out of the kitchen knowing it is as least clean as it was when I went IN to the kitchen. The rest of the house is full of men. They do not see dirt. It must be something genetic.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Hahaha! Marilyn, you are so funny. I also say that men don’t see dirt and germs even if they are the size of elephants. I have two men and one boy in my house plus my dad who is often here. I also clean up as I go along which makes it feel easier.


                • Is there a genetic link that male persons regardless of sexual orientation, do not see dirt? They also don’t see mold, muddy footprints, or dust.If the clothing laying in the middle of the floor — or that floors sometimes need to be washed and/or vacuumed.

                  I’m getting too OLD for this.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • I think it is the way we bring male children up. Women train men to be dependent when it comes to the running of the home. I can’t say how this will be with the new woke generation as attitudes towards gender roles in the home are changing. My younger male colleagues have to do their fair share of cooking, cleaning and looking after their children. My generation and yours comprise of “super women” who did nearly everything in the home, raised the children in between working full time.


                • Owen was brought up with a working mother, but he STILL can’t see dirt.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • PS I don’t mean to be critical of our men folk. I believe we did this to ourselves because of how we were raised to behave and think.


                • True. But their mothers get the spoiling started. We just (sigh) continued. Today I cleaned the shower, the kitchen floor, the microwave, and did all the slicing and dicing for dinner later, all while pondering what exactly it would take to make dirt visible to men? After which I realized (again) it’s not ever going to happen. MUCH too late. But to be fair, I did NOT raise my son to be a slob.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Neither did I, Marilyn, and mine are the same. Maybe it is in the Y chromosome.


  2. Wow, it all looks fabulous!
