I can’t begin to tell you how very much I want to not “do” tomorrow. It’s my first iron infusion and I have zero faith in the hospital’s ability to find a functional vein. I have defeated a couple of hospitals in the past. Both are major Boston hospitals and their entire oncology infusion group couldn’t find a single working vein. My veins haven’t gotten any better with the passing years, so tomorrow doesn’t promise to be a day of great joy for me.

No amount of telling myself “it will be okay” is working. It isn’t going to be okay, but I’m hoping it is at least possible. It needs to get done. Sooner would be better than later.

Meanwhile, Garry can’t see. His eyes are blurry, then he gets a migraine-type headache. Between the two of us, we are the lame and the halt. Did I mention one of his two hearing aids is being repaired, so he also can’t hear? It has been one heck of a month.

Meanwhile, the weather has gone from wet and chilly to wet and colder with various mixes of snow and sleet. It is easy to forget, in the heat of summer, how much of a pain in the butt winter can be.

I won’t be getting any news tomorrow about if this works because this is just part one. I have a second infusion next week. After that, some new tests to see if it has worked.

Garry has an eye appointment Friday and one of these days, they’ll finish repairing his hearing aid.

What a fun winter we are having! Maybe we’ll get all the bad stuff done this month and the rest of the year will be better?

Categories: #Health, Anecdote, Medical, Medical humor, Winter

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26 replies

  1. I have the same problem with veins that can’t be found. Have found a couple of good techs, both of whom specialize in drawing from infants! Their suggestions: hydration helps, as does warmth and walkinga round the block immediately before any attempt to find veins. And that’s just for a draw — the infusions are different! My thoughts are with you!


    • She found a functional vein in just two tries — which might be a record! I sure hope she is my nurse NEXT Wednesday too. I must have drunk two quarts overnight and she put a hot blanket on my arm before going searching for a vein. She said “Yes, you veins are very thin.” Right now, walking is a problem. I fell at the end of last week and I thought by now it would be all better, but it isn’t. Walking isn’t a strong suit right now, but I’m counting on it getting better. This has been a hell of a wretched excuse for January! It better get better.


  2. I was told it is kept cooler to discourage germs. I just know they are always cold! Best wishes to you.


  3. Marilyn, I prayed for you both. I’ve missed reading your posts. I hope they find a vein and the infusion gives great results. My Dad, who was diagnosed with another cancer (lung) is having an eye surgery soon so I can empathize with Garry, too! I really hope that 2023 will bring some sunshine and good health soon!! Thinking of you both.


    • This hasn’t been the most optimum start to the year, so I’m hoping we get all the worst stuff finished and maybe can enjoy the rest of the year. Are you not getting my posts? I haven’t been posting as often, but I have been posting daily and a couple of friends have been having trouble getting my mail. I might have to create a new address and see if that works better. Please let me know!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I hope the rest of the year is all uphill with more sun! I’m able to see the posts. It’s me! I haven’t been able to read very much and there are times, due to how many I have to scroll through to get to you, that I don’t land at your place because my eyes or health have given out! I’m trying to become more regular. However, now with my Dad’s cancer, my move to a new place closer to family, hospitals, and doctors, my time is so limited! Reading on my iPhone reader is so different than the computer. I’ve tried even searching and that’s weird at times! I truly think it’s just my issue and my lack of time here. But I do think of you so much, even when I’m not able to read your posts!


  4. Sending warm wishes – I hope tomorrow works out better than you are anticipating (or as you say, at least that it works) and that Garry’s eye test provides some answers.


    • This hasn’t been the best start of a new year, so I’m hoping we get the worst stuff out of the way and maybe it will be better later. We are off in a few minutes and I’m just hoping all goes well.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Good vibes to you both! 💙💙


  6. I hope tomorrow goes well for you and that Garry’s eyes improve. You both need some luck.


  7. I hope it goes well. My daughter got one on Monday. She was done in about 90 minutes.


    • I was told it averages about 2 hours It really depends on them finding a decent vein and I’m not holding my breath. I’m just hoping they find some way to make it work. This has been a really bumpy beginning to the year.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sending you both best wishes my friend.


        • I had a really good nurse and she found a good one on the second try — probably a record for me. It too almost exactly two hours — about 20 minutes of putting the iron in, then another half hour of flushing with saline — and the 15 minutes of getting my arm prepped. So overall, not too bad. It could have been much worse.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Thinking of you both. That‘s one heck of a ‚plate full‘ of unasked for problems. Hoping it WILL be possible to find ‚that‘ vain and you can be helped. For Garry we are sure that his eyes can be helped and that he gets his hearing help back, repaired and functioning.


    • Everyone has something going on. As you get older, it seems medical problem collect. It’s just we were doing okay for a few years and everything sort of came down at the same time. Maybe it will all go AWAY at the same time, too. We can but hope.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Fingers crossed. I hate having blood draws but luckily go to a very good lab here in Ajijic. xoox


    • Blood draws aren’t so bad. This is an infusion, which requires a pretty healthy vein — of which I don’t have any conveniently located. There’s nothing I can do about it but hope that they can find something and get it done. Then figuring out why Garry suddenly can’t see — and that may in the end require a trip into Boston Eye & Ear, a much better place for eyes. I’m pretty sure they haven’t been paying much attention to him.

      This hasn’t been a great January, but maybe the rest of the year will be better. We had been doing okay, then everything kind of happened at once. I hope the rest of the year is an improvement.


  10. I hope your infusion goes well tomorrow and that the treatment will have a positive result. Bundle up and stay warm.


    • That’s for the reminder. That hospital is COLD — EVEN in the summer. I think it’s all that machinery that needs to be kept cold, but I need to have a warm sweater with me. If they find a workable vein, I’ll be happy enough.

      Liked by 1 person