Share Your World 3rd July

I need to start this out with a confession. While trying to delete several hundred spam emails that turned up during the night, I apparently also deleted a bunch of messages that were NOT in spam. I clicked spam, but I got a mix of spam and actual APPROVED and often ANSWERED comments. By the time I realized what had happened, it was too late.

I can’t retract it, so I’ll have to be looking for all the people I accidentally — with the help of WordPress — spammed. Why they suddenly mixed spam and non spam comments together I don’t know, but they are gone. If I didn’t answer you, that’s why. I did answer but it went away.

Thanks WordPress. You’ve done it again!

Here are this week’s questions:

Do you own your own home, rent, or something else?

We own it, to the extent that we share ownership with the bank. But we own more of it than the bank does, which is progress.

Our house in the snow from the street

What is your favourite ‘go to’ food when you’re feeling under par?

I don’t have a favorite “go to” food. If I feel under par, I usually don’t eat.

Do you indulge in retail therapy?

Rarely and only when everything is on final sale. This limits how much i can buy since they never have my size and what is available is usually in some hideous color that I would never wear.

I have expensive taste in clothing which means I can only buy things on final sale plus a discount and even then, I have to think about whether or not I’ll really wear whatever it is enough to justify the expense.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Ouch. Let’s start with too many!

Let’s see.

  • 6 pairs of sandals. Now that I think of it, maybe 7 or 8. With a couple of exceptions, I actually wear all my sandals.
  • 7 or 8 pairs of shoes at least 3 of which I haven’t worn in years
  • 5 pairs of Uggs (not all from the “Uggs” company, but all Australian)
  • 3 or 4 pairs of dressy boots that I suppose I might wear, someday, but some of them have heels and I don’t wear heels. The boots are all buried in the bottom of my closets, so finding any two that match is a neat trick.
  • There are long forgotten others, probably dress shoes I can’t bring myself to toss because they were expensive, but I’ll never wear them and clothes recycling doesn’t accept shoes.

Shoes, because the size of my feet doesn’t change tend to accumulate, even when they are very battered. Also, I will keep a pair of comfortable shoes long past their “use-by” date. The last pair of sandals I finally had to throw away had the upper straps fully separated from the soles. They were 20 years old, but I really loved them. I had to buy new sandals. Oh well.

I also have a lot of clothing I will never wear. It’s either too big, too long, or in some other way, uncomfortable. Clothing, at least, I can recycle. I feel less bad about it when I can at least pass it on.


I’m glad we survived June! It was the busiest month I can remember since I was working full time. July will be better and will include a short vacation to visit friends. That we still have friends gets much gratitude too! We are fewer than we were, but we keep hanging on!

Categories: #Photography, #SYW, Anecdote, online shopping, Share My World, Shopping

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14 replies

  1. I like those furry boots, they look nice and warm.


  2. Recycle Shops don’t take shoes? I suppose that’s for hygiene as more people don’t wear socks or stockings any more.
    The Op Shops here do take them, some even take underwear. I don’t know about actual recycled clothing shops such as the ones that sell vintage clothing. We don’t have any of those locally.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I too have too many shoes. Perhaps a sorting out is called for. Love solved the mystery of three of the comments notifications in my WP app but I get the error message when I open it. No worries, it happens.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I got rid of a lot of them about a year ago, but there were some that were so new I just hated to get rid of them. But I won’t wear them and no one I know who takes my shoe size will wear them either, so I suppose I might as well give in and let the go. It seems such a waste.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I know! Over here people would take anything/ everything. If they don’t need or use it, they’ll know someone who will. At least there isn’t guilt involved in giving away things as opposed to throwing them away.

        Liked by 1 person

        • It’s multi-layered guilt, too. I feel guilty at having bought the items in the first place. I feel guilty that I didn’t wear them. Then, guilty about getting rid of them. But there WERE times when I needed a dressy shoe. The problem is that these days, those occasions are nearly always funerals and fancy dress is not required. Just dark and decent will do.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. – “Go To” food when feeling ‘under par’ – Sashimi DELUXE platter.
    – “Go to” food when feeling over par – Sashimi platter

    – Shoes – I glanced at shoe ‘tree’ in my office. So many rarely worn and look brand new. You just outed me on pair of canvas casuals that had grown fungus. I wore them everyday for years.

    – Gratitude – A busy June with so many medical appointments – is now history. Look forward to our visit with old friends where we can share our ‘golden years adventures’ with laughter. What?


  5. Thanks for joining in Marilyn. Nice sandals. Are they comfy? I have problems with shoes, and have been buying men’s trainers for years because they are a wider fitting. In women’s I need two sizes bigger to get that and then I feel like I’m wearing tennis racquets on my feet!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had to get these in wide too. My feet are wider in the summer than winter — AND they are cutting shoes narrower, even though peoples’ feet are getting wider. No, I do NOT understand it. I order online and I always order from the same company and there’s free return if they don’t fit. There are no shoe stores in the malls anymore. There used to be, but now? ONLY sports shoes. Nothing else. If it weren’t for Zappos, I wouldn’t own any shoes.

      And yes, the shoes ARE comfortable. They are Clarke’s and they are one of the two or three brands I know will fit.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My parents always made sure we had Clarkes shoes when we were children and our feet were measured every time. There was a large Clarkes store about 35 miles away but they closed the year we bought the boat and the premises were still empty the last time we went (2021).

        Liked by 1 person

        • I order them online. I don’t know why all the shoe stores closed, but they did. It’s weird. It makes great casual conversation in doctor’s offices while waiting. No one understands WHY there are no more shoe stores.

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