I specifically bought suet feeders that were designed for easy perching, but the catbirds, who apparently aren’t used to feeders, have been doing a really good imitation of a hummingbird, flapping wildly while nipping tiny pieces of suet and carrying them away. I’m betting they have baby catbirds and the suet is to feed the hungry nestlings.

Looking up at the suet feeder. This is how I knew it was time to take pictures. I’d been watching the catbirds and knew what he would do next.

And now, the Red-shafted Flicker. They look so much like Woodpeckers it always takes me a second look to realize they are the wrong color. Where woodpeckers are usually white, flickers are grey. Their head are not clearly marked as are the heads of other woodpeckers.

Amazing what a whirlwind this Flicker creates as he takes off from the suet feeder.

Between the day I took these pictures and a day later, the catbirds figured out how to perch on the feeder. I hope they find getting food somewhat easier.

Categories: #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Blackstone Valley

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7 replies

  1. These photos!!!!! Amazing.


  2. Thank you for my new fact of the day – the Catbird.
    I’ve never heard of these before and it seems so funny to have a bird that sounds like a cat. That must baffle the local cats!


  3. A truly fascinating post. Stellar photos. How amazing this is.
    Thank you for sharing.


  4. Great pictures
