After a rough beginning, I’ve gotten my act together, I know how the carbon paper works. I have artist’s masking tape (what a blessing that is!). After trying four different designs, I settled for one because it’s the cutest one of the bunch and somehow feels more like holiday than the others. I’m now just about half done with the drawings, but as I do them, I work faster so I believe I’m on track. I need these finished by the end of the month to give Garry time to inscribe them … and time to mail them so they get where they are going before the holidays. There is something a bit sad about a late Christmas card. We are going for “on time” this year.


I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. It’s not rare and I’ve had it since I was in my 20s, so it’s not new to me. For many people, it’s a problem that never entirely leaves. For me, it’s a remitting, returning problem. It shows up after I’ve had something else go wrong and my immune system is low. It makes me totally miserable for anywhere from a couple of days to just short of a week, but it does go away. With a little luck, it won’t come back for another year.

Not everything triggers it. Just sometimes and often it takes me awhile to figure out what’s going on. It got very bad last night. The fever went up up up and by morning, with a little help from Garry, I was normal or as normal as I ever get. Why these things show up in or around the holidays is extremely annoying. Can’t it do its thing when life is calmer? When there are fewer things waiting for me to accomplish? Maybe it is because of the holidays that it drops by. Maybe stress pushes my immune system down and along comes RA …

I am definitely better this morning. Much better. With a little luck, at least this little complication of my life will go silent and leave me in peace.


Seriously, what’s with shrimp? All the cookbooks say that it defrosts “almost instantly.” This is a complete lie. It doesn’t do anything of the sort. I took it out of the freezer four days ago (it’s pre-cooked) and when I went to cook it last night, it was more than half frozen. I didn’t feel good anyway and the idea of dipping my hands in freezing water to defrost the shrimp and remove the tails — why do they leave the tails on anyway? — was just too much for me and we ordered sandwiches. One small meatball sub later, I felt a whole lot better.

Shrimp does NOT defrost quickly and sometimes, it seems to not defrost at all. It manages to stay icy long after it should have become edible. Especially these pre-cooked ones. The raw ones take even longer.


I haven’t seen a squirrel in weeks. One day, they all apparently moved on to find more abundant food. This morning, there was one — rather young — red squirrel in the flat feeder. I know many birders have mixed emotions about squirrels, but I like them. They are adorable and fluffy. There’s nothing cuter than a curly-tailed young squirrel emptying an entire feeder in one long feeding. I was just really happy to see one. It has been a long time.


For the first time in 42 weeks, there will probably not be a new podcast this weekend. It will get taped — on Friday because Tom has a doctor appointment on Wednesday — today, actually. Taping on Friday doesn’t leave Tom enough time to edit it by Saturday.

We are all busy and world spins round and round.

Categories: #cactus, #Flowers, Anecdote, Christmas cactus

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20 replies

  1. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been feeling so rough, but it’s good news that things have now improved. I’m pretty sure you’re right about stress being a trigger, as it is for so many other conditions.


    • Thank you! I never factor in stress, but I should. It is a major trigger for so many things including all the autoimmune conditions. I can’t figure out why I’m stressed because life has been pretty good and with minor bumps in the road, It’s been a pretty healthy year, too. Maybe I’m suffering from “world stress.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I do love a Christmas cactus…


  3. HI Marilyn, I am sorry to hear of your RA, I suspect your reasoning about stress is correct. My mom had a very had arthritis attach a few weeks ago. It lasted a week and her whole wrist swelled up. Lovely pictures and I’m glad you got a squirrel visit. Happy Thanksgiving.


    • Thanks Roberta. I’m pretty sure stress IS at the bottom of this and it’s self-inflicted. If we were schedule driven in our pre-retirement years, we are uncomfortable without a schedule. I’ve always had goals to meet and now, they are all my own goals — and I don’t have to set them if I choose not to. I’m not sure how I’d cope without some kind of goal. Funny people, aren’t we?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Take care of yourself, Marilyn. You have plenty of time for the cards.


    • Thank you, yes, I do. And I didn’t even try to do any today. I figured it would wait until I felt better. I do feel better. I’m pretty sure it’s stress related. I’ve been grinding my teeth a lot lately and my jaw has been cracking, a sure sign of tension. I’m not sure WHY I’m so stressed. Something is bothering me, but I’m not sure what it is.


  5. Hope you feel better soon my friend. RA is tough. I’m glad the attacks last a short time. Hugs. Happy thanksgiving my friend


    • Thanks Sadje. I AM lucky. I know people for whom it never went away. Mine has always been intermittent with occasionally years between attacks. They are more frequent now, but age makes everything just a little bit worse. Still, it’s mostly gone today, so that’s a good thing. We will have a very simple Thanksgiving. No one seems to want anything more.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, you’re lucky. Because many in our family have this and they take meds constantly for it. Happy thanksgiving


        • Oh, I do take a lot of medication for it. It has vastly improved my life, though it has not made my tummy happy. One always has to deal with the balance between what makes one part of you feel better while making another part feel worse. Which is more important? And you can only deal with it one day at a time because nothing stays the same.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I also take meds for rheumatoid arthritis, one tab every week. Luckily mine is not so virulent. I’ve found Turmeric caps taken at night good for all type on inflammation.


  6. Arthritis with a variety of names seems to affect a lot of us. I am extremely lucky that you can see it in my hands, but knock on wood they usually don’t hurt. Your artistic cards sound beautiful, and I’m sure they will be a beautiful surprise to the recipients. As for frozen shrimp – been there, done that. 🙂


    • Even today, I was smart and took the shrimp out early enough to realize they were STILL slightly frozen. At least by dinner time, they were manageable.

      I hope the cards go over well. I don’t know why I decided to do it, but I shouldn’t have. But I thought I can, so just this one … It’s not for everyone, just for close friends and family.

      Arthritis affects humans and most other mammals including our pets like horses, cats and dogs. We all can get it. Mine can be bad, but it doesn’t stay bad. It comes, makes me miserable, then backs off. I’m grateful for at least that.

      Have a great holiday and relax. We are retired. All our schedules are self-created. We actually don’t HAVE to do it. We can choose to do what we want and skip the rest. I have to remember that because I do forget.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So sorry to hear about your RA — could cold weather also trigger it? Our temps are definitely cooling off at night, down to 50 degrees), but still warm in the daytimes. I am living without heat until next Wednesday or thereabouts (my heater acted up over the weekend)!


    • I’m sure the cold doesn’t help nor does the self-induced stress. It’s why I’m really slowing down on blogging. I need to lower the stress levels and since I’m retired, I need to remember that I don’t actually have to do a lot of what I do. We live under so much pressure that even when we are retired, we aren’t sure how to live without a schedule. Weird, isn’t it? We want so much to escape, but it follows us.

      I hope you get your heat back. Our house is never entirely warm. The price of oil is still high, though not as high as it was and I won’t stress the system that much. Last night I wore a sweatshirt to bed. I was SO cold!

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