FOTD – November 20 – Christmas Cacti and a new one too

I learned a lot today, but it had nothing to do with photography. I learned:

  1. Make sure the inky side is facing down when you are using carbon paper
  2. Make sure the card is facing in the right direction when you tape it to the board.

You’d be amazed at how much time you can waste if you fail to notice these two items. I have one great drawing that is perfect — except it is backwards AND upside down. I’m considering cutting it and reattaching it with tape, though that’s probably not the elegant solution I was hoping for.

So much to learn, so little time.

Meanwhile, my son bought me a new Christmas Cactus. It’s not any shade of red, but a lovely shade of rather mauvy pink. In the meantime, the red ones went from buds — just a day ago — to full bloom today. It is going to be very exciting year for blooming cacti.

Categories: #cactus, #Flowers, #FOTD, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Humor

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4 replies

  1. Hi Marilyn, both cacti are lovely. I am painting with watercolour – a steep learning curve


  2. A beautiful gift.


  3. Such a beautiful cactus rose. The official flower of Shinbone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Closely related. I don’t know if I could grow one of them at home. I’ll have to see if they are available. But that would be a very cool addition — IF there’s enough room for another plant or two.
