I was just remembering back to when I had a social life. I don’t have a social life.  I have doctor and hospital appointments. Cardiologists and visiting nurses, OT and PT and regular doctors, not to mention pharmacies. I’m brain dead. I hope you are having more fun than I am! 

My French braid was the highlight of the past few months. Give me back that nurse with the hands of gold. I’ll be a happy camper.

Meanwhile, back at UMass, they make appointment, change them, don’t tell me they either made them OR changed them. Meanwhile, my brain is still cloudy after three weeks of sedatives, anesthesia, dyes, starvation from food and water. I look like a leopard except instead of back spots on a yellow coat, I have black and various shades of blue spots (some are quite lovely and almost turquoise) everywhere on what would be white skin except half of it is anything from pale baby blue to deep navy and occasionally, black. I have wickedly evil veins.  

My hair is my last bit of self esteem.

I’m feeling whiney. Maybe I should try being more of a winer. And I definitely need to eat more dessert. I’m yearning for pudding. You name it I’ll eat it.

Categories: #Photography, Anecdote, Home, Humor, Medical humor, Water

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27 replies

  1. You poor thing! The hair does look really abundant and good, and I’m glad you’re still around and kicking at some things.

    Pudding is a really good thing and I hope you get a lot of it soon and enjoy it!


  2. Eat dessert first and feel better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m on a limited diet but I don’t eat much so it’s not a huge change. It’s more like remembering to actually EAT. I tend to not eat when I don’t feel good. This will take time. I don’t have any huge scars or big holes in my body that need healing, but all my blood levels are every which way and it will take time and diligence — and remembering to eat.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Got to get to the store to get stuff. I’m not really up to going shopping quite yet. No time today. Too many doctor/lab appointments. And I’m still pretty weak.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hang on in there Marilyn, you’ve got this 🤗 And yes, do eat lots of pudding!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m not quite ready for shopping yet and anyway, I’ve got so many doctor, nurse, testing, labs that there’s no time even if I were able. So I must depend on others to find my puddings. I know they await me, but they do not come when called.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I promise you music this weekend for your dessert.


  5. Prayers for healing and comfort. Please take care and know that better days are coming. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have a lot more sharing to do because as far as making sure I came out of there with a working heart, they were superb. I’ve got a lot to say about the changes in how medicine is practiced since my last encounter with it — 9 years ago I think. It really IS a miracle and not a minor one, either.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Life is a miracle and I am happy that you are still here and healing. I worked in a hospital for many years and I agree medicine has changed a lot through the years. Have a wonderful day!


  6. that is rough and at least it can only get better, especially with your level of wit to deal with it all

    Liked by 1 person

  7. So glad to hear your voice, Marilyn… and that everything seems to be doing you good. Keep your chin up, regardless of the colour and enjoy your puddings… 💖💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Marilyn, being very ill and recovering from major surgery is not much fun. Michael takes at least a month to recover every time he has major surgery and the fatigue and low immunity take even longer. But, he does eventually recover and so will you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • This surgery has not left me in nearly as bad shape as last time. For one thing, I don’t have a big hole in my chest and I think I have a better understanding of what is going ON in there. I wish I’d understood more sooner. I honestly had no idea my heart was punking out. I really thought I’d taken care of that. I’m supposed to be resting AND showing up at all these appointments AND finding mild exercise to help my muscles remember what they used to do. The fatigue and low immunity will take time and I hope I have enough of it to get me there. One way or another, whether it’s an hour or years, I would like to live as well as I can. IF all goes well, I’ll be better in a few months. Patience isn’t my biggest virtue.


  9. You certainly haven’t lost your sense of humor.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Sending you warm hugs. And wishing for you a speedy recovery and lots of nice yummy pudding

    Liked by 1 person