CFFC:  Pairs

Whether or not you believe it and I’m sure almost none of you do, the story of Noah’s ark and the creatures arriving two by two is a delightful tale for children. Until every creature on earth had one breeding pair on the ark is a story that delights kids. It still delights me for any number of reasons, not the least of which is what a mess that ark had to be.

Categories: #Birds, #CFFC, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge, Swans and herons

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20 replies

  1. Wish we had swans around here. Alas …


    • You don’t? I’m surprised. They aren’t a native species having been brought here by English settlers way WAY back. I know some swans travel to the arctic to breed. We currently don’t have swans, but we did. I think they moved on when first it got too cold, and then the drought hit … and now, the places they nested are too deep for nesting. Actually, that means right now we don’t have any water fowl except herons who nest in trees. I hope they come back. They were my favorites.


  2. Those are some
    Really cool socks


  3. Those socks are so cool. What great pairs you have for this week :D 😀


  4. A lovely post, Marilyn. I love your pairs.


  5. Nice pics 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


    • Thank you. I love when they get into their mating rituals. The woodpeckers are the cutest. He brings her a little piece of leaf or something else to show her he can build a nest. Then he sings to her. If she is still interested, he brings her a piece of food (suet, usually) and IF she takes it, they are wed for life.

      Recently, I read an interesting article in one of my bird mags and apparently, although technically monogamous, they cheat. Both males and females go astray. Do they also fight about it back in the nest? Inquiring minds want to know.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. nice idea. have a great presidential contest, any more contenders out there, Taylor Swift…whatever

    Liked by 1 person