Answer me this – April 18, 2024

Ursula Le Guin wrote about this in several of her science fiction books. It always gave me the creeps and I stopped reading her books because they creeped me out.

My answer to this? Absolutely NO. No way. It’s too creepy. And probably unethical in every possible way.

Best we spend our time trying to create artificial organs that work. I’m sure we’ll get there. Treatments that don’t require removal and replacement of organs would also be a great idea. The whole “spare parts” business is a bit wacky. As lives get extended, we’ll always need at least some replacement parts, but the idea of growing brainless clones for ANY reason makes me queasy.

I have four, no five replacement parts and mostly, they work.Only one of them is from an animal — I’m told a cow.

We’ve come a long way in designing bone and breast implants, hearing implants, pacemakers (an extra rather than a replacement) and are working on a mechanical heart. I think I heard, mechanical kidneys too. So far the heart hasn’t worked well enough. There have been a number of trials, but none of the recipients lasted more than a few weeks. Of course they only give them to people who are desperately ill and would have died anyway, so it’s hard to gauge how well they worked. I’m sure they will get there eventually.

Meanwhile, I hope we come up with treatments to save our originals and get them working again. Everything else is both creepy and savage.

Categories: #Health, #Medicare, Anecdote, Daily Prompt, Sci Fi - Fantasy - Time Travel, Science

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10 replies

  1. The kid next door asked me the question. He had just finished an Ursula Le Guin novel (lordie, I do so love her books!) and it was bothering him. Told him straight out I didn’t have an answer but would ask all my online people what they thought and get back to him.


  2. I saw a special report on pigs being raised to become human body replacement parts.


  3. yes, that concept terrifies me on many levels


  4. Oh yes! I hope so too! I am in agreement with what you’ve written here, Marilyn!


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