Sharing my World – 30 April 2024

Time is racing along and May will be here tomorrow. I can hardly believe it. I guess spring is (more or less) here.

I was 18 and in college and yes, you could drink at 18 back then. I really doubt changing the age for drinking in bars has changed drinking or drinkers. This was the only hangover I ever got. Basically, I don’t like drinking. I have no head for alcohol. Half a mixed drink will have me semi-comatose and sliding under the nearest table.

My friend Susan was shocked that I’d never been out “drinking with the girls.” I was a little dubious, but I wanted to fit in and drinking seemed the way to go. So out we went. After a few brandy alexanders (no idea how many) I was plastered I had no idea how to get home safely. I lived just a couple of miles away, but I didn’t feel sober enough to get out of the parking lot without crashing.

I called home, but we only had one car and I was driving it. Somehow, I made my way home. I was terrified and the next day, I woke up with a really bad headache which I surmised was a hangover.

The only other time I drank enough to get a hangover (I didn’t, much to my surprise) was on our honeymoon in Ireland. We were having a dinner at a medieval castle near Shannon. I forget the name, but it was a great place to visit. Properly medieval. Dinner was accompanied by mead. Once it was discovered we were on our honeymoon, I got all the mead I could drink. Garry switched to Hennessy.

Mead tasted wonderful. Who’d have thought something that tasted like fruit juice would get me so wasted? I don’t remember dinner though I am told I ate it. You couldn’t prove it by me. No hangover but that was the end of heavy drinking for me.

Harry’s was a restaurant located on the pier in Boston. It was our favorite hangout place for dinner, though we really loved all the restaurants on the pier. The food was good, the view of the harbor was better. Everyone knew Garry and always found us a good table.

Then came the big dig followed by total destruction of whatever was left of the area along the water. All our favorite restaurants were there and now they are gone. Everything was replaced by super expensive hotels and restaurants with parking so expensive, it costs more than our celebratory dinners.

Find me a partner and another couple and bridge is my game. None of the others, but I really love bridge.

When we can. We don’t live close together anymore. Everything is a long drive and sometimes a long plane ride. Yet we still get together when we can. I hope we can continue to do so.

Categories: #Photography, #SYW, Anecdote, Share My World

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11 replies

  1. Thanks for joining in Marilyn. I’ve never played Bridge and only seen it played in movies.


    • I learned to play bridge when I was 10 along with three other bored friends in a long hot summer. We got hooked early. The problem with bridge is you need a partner and one more couple to play. So these days, I play on the computer. It isn’t like a real bridge game, but it’s the best I can do.


  2. I used to be able to drink enough to get drunk, but was never very good at it by a drinker’s standards, but now, I’m good with one bottle of beer, one drink, or glass of wine.


    • I used to drink white wine with dinner out, but once Garry quit drinking, I haven’t had anything. I really don’t care much for alcohol, so why make Garry feel left out? I don’t care much about it anyway. I do use lots of wine in my cooking and we have discovered the joys of edibles.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Interesting experiences regarding drinking.


    • I tried it. Didn’t like it. Stopped drinking. Honestly, I’m really not sure what people LIKE about alcohol. They say it tastes good, but I could barely tolerate the taste of most of it. Except that mead. It was delicious.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It is quite harmful for our bodies so b it’s good that you didn’t liked it


      • What people like about it is that it reduces inhibitions. Some people who write have an immediate and continuing feeling that what they’re writing “stinks, is worthless; nobody will understand it or will misunderstand; ridicule it; makes a big faux pas somehow…”. These feelings can be inhibited by alcohol. The inhibition of talking to someone about something intimate can be lessened by alcohol. Of course, sometimes, inhibitions are very necessary.


        • I’m pretty sure Garry drank to relax as much as anything else. The drinking just got out of hand. Yes, people in high stress situation seem to use booze to soften the world’s hard edges.

          My question is, does it actually taste good? Other than a few wines and Adams Summer Ale, I never liked the taste of any hard liquor. If you mixed it up with the right fruit (remembering briefly those strawberry Margheritas I made for guests)(delicious), but beware the riptide. Mixed drinks can really kick back.

          My mother, who dated a lot longer than I did, warned me to always EAT before I went drinking — and to stay with “the straight stuff because mixed drinks are insidious.” I never got her to tell me how she learned this.

          I was also VERY careful about whom I smoked pot with, speaking of lowering inhibitions …


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