Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Leaves and Trees

We live in a woods and everywhere, there are trees. Right now, the leaves are still hiding, but ordinarily, leaves are everywhere. They drift on the wind, pile up and turn to mulch in the gardens and on the deck.

They are golden and fresh in springtime, deep green in the summer, glorious in autumn and become brown and crunchy as winter approaches.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley, Challenges, Nature, woodland, Woods

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49 replies

  1. Hi Marilyn, glad to discover your blog thru Cee’s mentioning you. I, too, live in tree-covered mountains and am constantly awed by trees – their shapes, colors, functions, intelligence, and beauty. And the details of bark and leaves just throw in more variety and complexity.


  2. I love your photos and the trees and shadows stand out. 🙂


  3. Nature provide us with the most magical scrapbook. Stunning photos.


  4. How exquisite these photos are! Congratulations on being featured!


  5. I especially liked the leaves on the pond in the fall. It reminded of my grandparents home on Packard’s pond in Orange MA. It was beautiful in the fall but quite a mess to try and clean up in the spring.


  6. Congratulations! I have featured your post on Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge.


  7. Such a wonderful collection filled with great colors:)


  8. Fall is such a lovely season in New England. I missed it a lot when I left for California. Still do.


  9. Those pictures are beautiful! I would love to live in the woods like you do… Even though I think living on the beach would win, if I had to choose between the two 🙂 How come the leaves look like it’s autumn, though? Even after the toughest winter they’d sooner disappear all together than turn to this beautiful golden brown, right?


    • The autumn shots are from last autumn. If I had a choice, I’d live near the beach and next to, but not IN the woods. But this is the land we own and it is lovely.


      • That explains 🙂 Do you really live IN the woods? My “I see a werewolf with an axe behind every tree at night”-crazy mind would not handle that AT ALL… Even though I’d love it during the day xD


        • Really. In the woods. Coyotes, but no werewolves (that I know about).


          • Wow. I bow down to you, master of the forests. With just a weeeee bit of envy. Still, I’m sticking to my dream-beach-front-house-plan and will just wander into your woods when you post these awesome pictures. Thanks for broadening my world 😉


  10. WOW! You are right you have some gorgeous trees around you. I’m impressed. 🙂


  11. the color of the autumn trees is amazing!


  12. What beautiful photographs. I used to spend many hours walking on Wenlock Edge in all seasons and in all weathers. Too many people have disengaged from nature.


    • We live IN the woods, so disengaging from nature would be impossible, nor would we want to. Except for the billions of oak leaves to deal with and the tons of snow, I love it 🙂


  13. Nothing like using leaves to mulch the deck. Oh the leaves! Mom and I have been raking and burning left and right. There’s no end in sight!


    • The leaves constantly drift. They try mulching the house, too …. attaching themselves to the dogs’ coats and making inroads on our interior. Winter came last year before we beat back the leaves, so they are still waiting. And waiting. I can’t do them, so I hope someone else will give it a go!


      • I am wondering if maybe there’s a neighborhood kid that would do it on the cheap? I don’t have nearly as many leaves as you do, but mine are still sitting around composting, too.


        • Kids don’t do that stuff anymore. Sometimes one of the kids of our church members will send a son and/or a tractor … like when we were trapped by the ice … but kids don’t do physical labor for spare change. You have to hire a company.


  14. Great pictures it is amazing to see the trees changing. It works as a great year round diary as well. Nice One


    • Thank you. I guess I should have included full summer and winter … but I couldn’t face anything white and frozen right now … and summer will be on us soon enough.


  15. Its their destiny.



  1. Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Leaves and Trees | Nola Roots, Texas Heart
  2. Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Nature Animals | Cee's Photography
  3. Cee’s Weekly Wrap Up – May 17, 2014 and Red Clover Field | Cee's Photography