I can see the future. Everyone can. Take a look at the present. Extrapolate what’s likely to happen. It’s not magic, it’s logic. Intentions made real. Probabilities aligned.

We see ahead as accurately as we need to. Seeing more would gain us nothing but misery. The future would be a fearsome place. We could waste our entire lives trying to change it. No one would enjoy the present. What a pointless exercise!

I will make a prophecy and can guarantee it’s true.

We will all die. Of something. Eventually.

Categories: Daily Prompt

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28 replies

  1. Very true, the one thing we know for certain is that we will all die


    • I used to dabble in that stuff and one day, I realized I had never learned anything I wanted to know, or been able to change anything because of knowledge gained. “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” That’s what mom always said and she had a point.


  2. It would be worse if we could see it, like gazing through glass, what good would it do, except scare us. the reason I dont watch the news, or most Serious Prediction Shows. It is what it is. I would like to know when the next bad weather/tornado/earthquake might hit, but beyond that..


    • Around here, especially in the winter, you have to at least pay minimal attention to the weather in case you’re snowed in for three days and should have gone shopping. Otherwise? Don’t tell me, please. I’ll find out in due time.


  3. So true Marilyn, I would be nervous wrack myself. Imagine you take a look and then the one(s) you love are missing?


  4. Death is the Big Lie.
    Tuff slogging down here … but victory is at hand.

    Time for a coffee.


  5. But maybe just a peek at tomorrow’s winning lottery numbers wouldn’t be all that bad …


  6. I have stopped worrying about the state of the world, because it is not going to change anything.Who knows how much time is left. Even my 100 year old dad finds it hard to believe that he will be 100 years old in two months time. He sometimes watches a TV programme, but no longer so often. He no longer reads books, but now and again the newspaper. He says “oK” when I ask him on the phone how he is. I think he just accepts life as it now is for him. He cannot change anything and neither can I, so let’s take it as it comes.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yeah, all of those health nuts are gonna feel foolish one day, lying in bed, dying of nothing. ;P


  8. If we could see the future, would we still be able to change things?


  9. Yup. Life is a terminal disease. 🙂
