
The mums look surprisingly good, especially considering the temperatures dipped down into the low 20s last night.


It’s “hard freeze” time. Winter has tipped his hat. Reminded us he’s waiting in the wings. Dressed for the show. Are you ready?


The chrysanthemums continue to bloom, the last of the flowers to give up.

You have to admire their determination. Hail, oh mums! You are the staunchest of our flowers, our most intrepid, doughty floral citizens.

If you like flowers, check out Cee’s Flower of the Day!

Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Home, Humor, Macro

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18 replies

  1. Beautiful mums. We are going to have lots of Pansies, petunias and roses. Dahlias are another variety to bloom during winters. Loved the pics.


  2. Uhh, noooooo I’m not ready for Mr. W! I think to myself sometimes that it might be nice to live somewhere that summer reigned all year, but I really do think I would miss seasons. Even though seasons tend to kick my bootie. Kind of strange, but I grew up in Kansas and have lived here almost my entire life — I don’t think I would like another place as much.


    • When you grow up with seasons, it never feels right without them. I loved Israel, but I missed the seasons. And the ocean. I think the place we grow up gets embedded in our DNA.


  3. OK .. looking at Poinsettias … for now.


  4. I also have a few blooms left in the garden; I am holding on pretty tightly to them and fall even though I know in my heart the snow will come any day now.


    • The mums are still sort of alive, but clearly not very. It’s December, so no matter what I do, they are finished for the season. I always feel bad for the flowers. Vaguely guilty that I should be able to save their little lives. Weird. We are weird.


  5. Gorgeous! As always. Yes, I heard that colder nights are on their way to NE. Keep warm!


    • Thank you. We are ready. We aren’t thrilled about it, but we have a 4WD jeep, heat, sweaters, coats, boots, shovels and we know a guy with a plow. We’re SO ready that maybe it won’t snow at all 🙂 We can dream!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Gorgeous photos. Love your Mums


  7. Beautiful mums Marilyn. You can definitely tell that Dahlias are their cousins. 😀


    • Thank you 🙂 The dahlias are almost “super mums.” Yet mums grow beautifully here, and dahlias need a lot of pampering. I think our climate is a little too cold too often for dahlias. Pity, because I keep trying.


  8. Those trusty old mums are the last to go, but with the warm autumn we’ve had an iris come out for the second time.
