Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Winter – Water

The end of winter with ice on the canal

Just a small patch of snow not yet melted

Blackstone River in March as a very cold winter ends

And then comes summer …

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #Photography, canal, Cee's Photo Challenge, River, Seasons

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11 replies

  1. “And then comes summer” the rich colours of summer so beautiful.


  2. HI Marilyn, nice combo of winter and water. Beautiful photography as always.


  3. So beautiful and serene. 🙂


  4. such beautiful scenes Marilyn. You make winter look good!


    • Winter is beautiful. My problems are less to do with its beauty and a lot more to do with my getting old. I would as soon stay in a cozy house and wait for spring. BUT, sometimes, it’s too pretty to miss 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Good photos. Water in winter can often be ice.


    • These were all taken in March, so melting was well underway by then. Otherwise, the river WOULD have been solid ice. That’s how come all the kids in this region play ice hockey. They wait for the water to freeze and they go out to play. But our river has a LOT of current, so it is never truly solidly frozen and terribly dangerous. There used to be a lot more deaths of kids who fell through the ice. This has been a good year: nobody drowned. It’s hard to keep the kids with skates from getting out there on the ice.


  6. Lovely seasonal photos
