Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Trains and Tracks

Boston has many trains. Commuter trains as well as trains to DC. Florida, and other places. More interestingly, it has trolleys: small trains that run through several towns used by local commuters.

Everyone loves them because unless the standard commuter trains, the trolleys run on time. It’s your job as a car driver to get out of the way when they come!

Trolley tracks in Boston streets

X – Crossing the tracks

Grafton train tracks

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Photography, Transportation

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20 replies

  1. We call them “light rail transit” and they are a pain to drive behind.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We don’t have Trams in our smaller country town, but Zürich has a complete system, as well as Bern and most larger Swiss cities. They are a bother when driving a car. We have our local railway and that can be a bother, especially when one of the many crossing gates close in front of the car and you have to wait for the train to pass.


  3. Although they are now making a come back in several capital cities for many years Melbourne was the only city with trams. People always complain about driving there because of having to give way to trams. In the CBD where many lines cross it you have to make a right hand turn from the left lane which drives people crazy. As a non driver I think trams are great though :-).


    • It is really a pain driving on a road with those trams. Your tires get stuck in the rails and if there’s a train coming, you’d better get out of the way FAST. I find those roads nervewracking to be on, but commuters love them. They run on time, unlike the buses and they don’t stink like the subways.

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