A love story out of olden times. Love lives on.

A royal wedding in medieval times was all about sealing alliances and striking political deals, so emotional entanglements didn’t usually enter the equation. Consequently, it was common for husbands in royal and elite circles to play the field, often enjoying a string of dalliances or even find lasting extra-marital love. But occasionally there was a true success story, and in 1254 a diplomatic marriage between two teenagers began a lifelong devotion between one of our most powerful warrior kings and his Spanish queen that has left its mark on our landscape to this day.

It started with a squabble over Gascony, England’s last remnant of its former Angevin lands. A new and ambitious Spanish king, Alfonso X, was laying claim to this territory of the English King Henry III and the stage was set for a fight. Alfonso backed a Gascon rebellion, and the province began to fall to the…

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Categories: History, Love, medieval history, reblog, story

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10 replies

  1. Nice when it works out.


  2. Thank you so much for reblogging my post, Marilyn. That’s so kind of you. Glad you enjoyed it. Love, as you rightly say, lives on. For centuries. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m in love with medieval stories. This is fortunate because I am so terribly OUT of love with real politics. It pains me to be alive in these times. I would much rather read a love story from the 1300s than anything from the news!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Oh my goodness, Marilyn, you took the words right out of my mouth (so to speak!). We are so obviously the same in outlook. I’m always saying I was born 800 years too late, and it and I’m all out of sync with modernity. You’re my kind of person, and I look forward to following your blog! Thanks again. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • I used to write a lot of historical stuff, but hardly anyone read it. It was my favorite stuff to write. Every once in a while, though, I really need a medieval “FIX.”

          Liked by 1 person

          • Again, me too! I would have read your historical stuff without doubt. You’re clearly a kindred spirit, and it’s so good to meet someone who understands my passion.


            • It’s not everyone’s passion. My husband puts up with it, but I can see he’s just waiting for the ball game to start. He’s much more current events oriented than I am — well — he was a TV reporter for more than 40 years, so that might have something to do with it …

              Liked by 1 person

              • Well, that’s understandable if he was a TV reporter for over 40 years. I guess the interest would stick. Luckily, my hubby is very interested in castles and medieval history too – but then he’s a quality engineer (yawn)! 🙂
