AND THE ORCHIDS BLOOM ON – Marilyn Armstrong

More Orchids – FOTD – March 11, 2020

This plant is a much sturdier, healthier plant than the last time I was able to bloom orchids. The buds are huge and the plant is sturdy and another bud opened this afternoon. There are two more big buds on this branch and at least half a dozen on another branch.

Five blossoms and big buds

This bud opened this evening. I took a few pictures, but I will take more tomorrow

I love the way the flowers are clumping

You can see the center of the other flowers through the translucent leaves

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Marilyn Armstrong, orchids

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9 replies

  1. Wonderful orchids and promise of more with the buds 😀


  2. Unbelievably gorgeous!


  3. Wonderful captures indeed 🙂


  4. Just one of my orchids is blooming lushly. It seems to love my living room. One I planted hear the pool has disappeared. I think Pasiano thought it was dead and pulled it up. Too bad..One other one has vanished as well. Perhaps replanted in some occult region of the garden. Happy Birthday, Marilyn.


    • Thanks, Judy. I have officially gotten to be one year older than my mother when she passed.

      This one is doing well, but it was a better quality plant, to begin with, and I have started caring for it better. Orchids ARE difficult. They are sensitive to light, water, and fertilizer. On the other hand, if they like where they are, they can be very happy and flower often. the one thing that matters above all is some sun, but not all day … and a minimum of water. That’s why they grow better indoors. Inside, you can control the water assuming you have the right light. Outside, you’re just stuck with whatever falls out of the sky 🙂

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