CFFC: Leaves and Trees – Marilyn Armstrong

While we all hunker down and wait for the giant snowstorm to hit tomorrow night, we got some good shots down by the Blackstone. These are mine. Maybe I’ll post Garry’s in a separate post.

Hawk’s nest silhouette high in nearly naked trees

Sunset in the pines by the Blackstone

Last leaves

One autumn leaf

Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Cee's Photo Challenge, landscape, Trees

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5 replies

  1. Stay warm during your snow storm. Wonderful photos for this week. Thanks Marilyn 😀


  2. May the storm be not as bad as predicted Marilyn. I can not imagine how it must be to live with that. I love the hawke nest in the trees. the green light of the sunset.


    • It’s interesting that the birds aren’t going crazy eating. Usually when a storm is coming, the birds go into hyper ultra eating mode, but they are all calm and relaxed. Maybe the storm will miss us? That would be GREAT.


    • I’m still (forlornly) hoping it will miss us. Sometimes, storms just pass us by. I’m not optimistic, but I notice that the birds aren’t eating themselves into a coma, which means they aren’t aware a storm is on the way. So maybe they know something I don’t know.
