FOTD – March 3 – Buds and Flowers

This is the official start of the spring season though it would be hard to tell looking around here. The snow is still melting from the other day, but it is warmer and I think we can reasonably hope that winter is really going to end, though not necessarily this month. March is still winter in New England. We sometimes have a warm March, but usually, it’s the middle of April before we feel a sense that the new season has really come.

So to celebrate the budding season, I thought I’d show buds. I still don’t know what — if any — plants survived last spring and summer’s long drought. I can only wait and hope.

Categories: #Flowers, #FOTD, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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2 replies

  1. Hopefully some of your plants survived! Fingers crossed!


    • We’ll know pretty soon. If we don’t see daffodils and crocus before this month ends, I think the only thing left will be the rhododendrons. There are parts of the river that went so dry, no one is sure they will ever be back to how they were before. That was a really bad drought in an area that doesn’t not usually experience drought.
