Daily Prompt: Bookworm — Where books live …

Where books are read, thoughts are alive and ideas matter.

Categories: #Photography, Books, Literature, Publishing, Sci Fi - Fantasy - Time Travel, Words

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15 replies

  1. loved it. I always wanted my house to be like this. How lucky you are !!!
    My blogs at http://www.anoptimistic.wordpress.com
    Please visit and provide your feedback.
    Thanks !!


  2. Books …
    A threshold … a place to soul travel.


  3. Well, no action figures, hmm! Yes your home looks like a place that is welcoming.


  4. I love this post! And your blog!


    • Thanks. My house is stuffed with books. They are so out of control, we have taken the Pledge:NO MORE BOOKS. Except for a few special ones. And of course first editions (signed when possible) of new books by fave authors. And the books that people give us as gifts. I have one friends who sends me a carton (literally) of books about once a month and nothing I say can stop her. Everything else, KINDLE ALL THE WAY. Paper books are NOT dead. They all live here 🙂

      On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 11:08 AM, SERENDIPITY


  5. Through your images, I feel the strangest sensation of FINALLY finding a home where I’m always welcome (and free to be whoever I am at the moment). You’ve made me realize that, all I have to do to get back to that place, is tap my heels together and chant three times: there’s no place like books, there’s no place like books, there’s no place like books . . .


    • If you like books, dogs, photography paintings, ancient Chinese pottery, modern Navajo pottery, miscellaneous porcelain and doodads, dolls (no, NOT action figures), computers, movies. music and very comfortable furniture (dog hair included at no extra cost) … welcome friend 🙂



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