Two years of blogging: February 4, 2014

So I was sitting here, watching one of the last Jay Leno Tonight Shows and suddenly it came to me. I thought “I must be approaching my blogging anniversary.” So I went to look it up, which turned to be more difficult than I expected.

Finally, I went to the trophy thingie on WordPress and saw that I had an anniversary icon … dated today.

It’s exactly the same as my one year icon. Identical. Be that as it may … it’s been a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad, mad couple of years:

  • 126,000 hits
  • 1,927 posts
  • 1,677 blog followers — not including followers via Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler, Google and comments.

My top post in terms of hits is still that odd post about the TV show, Criminal Minds. It scored a whopping 10,135 hits, something I don’t think I’ll match. It was a fluke that Google put me on the top of their search engine for that show. You can read it and wonder — along with me — why in the world it was so popular: The FBI can’t do a simple Google search?

I finally got Freshly Pressed. It was a lovely surprise, especially since I didn’t expect it. After all that blogging without having gotten the nod, I didn’t think it would ever happen. Never say never. You can read about it in HOLY EXPLETIVE! I AM FRESHLY PRESSED! and WRITING FOR THE RIGHT REASONS. The post that did it was most uncharacteristic of my usual stuff — by far the creepiest thing I ever wrote: GONZO GEORDIE HAD AN AX.

I posted at least once per day for all of last year, not counting that unfortunate week on Cape Cod when I had no WiFi.

Thanks to all of you who’ve been my faithful friends and to all my new friends. I hope we can all celebrate when the next anniversary rolls around!

Categories: Anecdote

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49 replies

  1. congratulations on two years, I especially love your pictures!


  2. Happy two-year anniversary! Your statistics are fantastic. Congratulations!


  3. You inspire me too.
    prefer the BOLD Face of Marilyn? ? The is already a lowercase Serendipity? BE BOLD my dear! Are you REALLY AN OLD CARCASS? Get together about how much you can teach godamn it??? Commen on?


  4. Happy blogaversary!


  5. Hot stuff! Many congratulations to you, Marilyn, on a heap of accomplishments in your two years of blogging. I’m approaching the three-year mark, blogging daily like you, and your achievements far outshine what I’ve managed to do in half again as long. But that’s no shocker: your stuff is Really Good! I’m so pleased to have met you here and found inspiration and head-scratching and adventure and delight in page after page of posts and pictures. So thanks, and here’s to whatever lies ahead of you!!


  6. Happy Blogiversary!


  7. Happy birthday! A pleasure to follow your great site. 🙂


  8. Happy 2nd blogoversary! You put out some great stuff (photos and text) so it’s always fun to visit.


  9. Bravo! Joyeux anniversaire or happy birthday. Cheers!


  10. You have been a blogging machine.


  11. Happy anniversary!

    Though I don’t trust that trophy, myself. WordPress seems to think my anniversary is in May when it’s clear on the other side of the calendar in December!


  12. Time for another book. I have read a third of teepee. Enjoy is not the right word, compelling? Very well written. Do you want typo’s reported (2) so far. Or should I just be quiet. I highly recommend your book.


    • Thank you 🙂 I’m really glad you like my book. Don’t get me started on typos. You might not believe this, but my husband read the book out loud cover to cover … and still missed stuff. As did I and my best friend who IS an editor. What we needed and never had were fresh eyes. I’m not planning another book. In more than a year of marketing — and Lord knows how many out-of-hand rejections — not a single editor or agent so much as looked at the manuscript. I don’t have enough time left in my life to go through so much work and agonizing. Being self-published is far better than unpublished, but there’s no money in it. I’m too old to do it for the glory. That sounds cynical. I guess it is. If I were 20 years younger, I’d probably give it another shot. After I get done with the upcoming heart surgery, I may rethink my position!


    • I tracked down your first comment and my reply (phew … thought I was losing it!) What I do (myself) when I want to get answers in comments is to follow the comment thread. I can’t do that from my end … we each have to follow comment threads individually, even for the same blog. I find it’s the only way to make sure I get answers that people write. I don’t follow every comment I make. That would explode my email! But I follow the ones I care about. I try really hard to respond to everyone. Sometime it’s a little later than I’d like … but I do my best. Sometimes something slips through, but not often.

      But things are changing. As I get closer to the surgery date, I’m getting busier, more anxious. I am going to be responding less. I hope everyone will understand. I’m not going into some kind of mental meltdown, but I’m worried and more than a little scared. I have NO idea what kind of condition I’ll be in post surgery, whether I’ll be able to write at all or not …. So please, bear with me. I’m not ignoring you! Far from it!


      • Marilyn, I am out a good part of the rest of the day. Most of my correspondence I get done early morning. Thanks for your follow up to my comments. As to your upcoming surgery, I hope you and/or someone will keep your fans clued in. More later by email.


  13. Brilliant! Happy 2nd Bloggiversary! Here’s to another year! 🙂


  14. Yay! Happy blogaversary – looking forward to the next year 🙂


  15. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Keep up with the great posts!


  16. CONGRATULATIONS! Great stats – and a fabulous blog! xxx


  17. Congratulations. 2 years is good going!


  18. Yay! Happy Blog Birthday!! xo! 🙂


  19. God bless you and Happy Happy Birthday my friend:) I am so very blessed to know you and to call you friend…keep up the great writing and blogs about life:) Big Hugs!
