OLD BARN – Marilyn Armstrong

Built in the 1700s. It’s just down the road. When you get to the intersection, make a left, drive about half a mile. It’s on the right. Look for the porch with the line of red rocking chairs.

Categories: #Photography, Nature, Travel

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2 replies

  1. This was built in the 1700’s? How in the world has it lasted so long and is still in good condition?


    • The new owners did a lot of renovating both of the house and the barn, but surprisingly, there are a LOT of barns around that age in pretty good shape in this area. They built them well and maintained them properly and as long as they are on flat or high ground and don’t suffer a lot of flooding damage, they do very well. Houses less well, probably because of the complexities of design and pipes and electric and heating that has been added over the centuries. Some of the most fabulous houses are actually converted barns!
