18 replies

  1. Great song. I had to YouTube it after I finished looking at all the pretty yellows. I think I spied goldenrod? Wowza, am I allergic to the stuff!


  2. Marilyn, you have some wonderful yellows. I like the street lights just because they odd. Also you sunflowers because I adore them.


  3. Man, I love that song. Of course, I like all of Donovan’s songs.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You are on a roll today. You also got a serious advantage being in New England now to respond to the challenge! Thank you, Marilyn.


    • Yellow flowers are most popular up here — purple next most popular. You see a lot of gardens that are all yellow and purple … but yellow day lilies are amazing, especially in late June. They have drifts of them along the road, in front of the grocery store. And sunflowers too. So yellow is one of the easy ones. And then, there are the alders which turn bright yellow before anything else turns … and our woods are full of them 🙂


  5. It is fun, I love yellow, a you’ve captured the fun.


  6. wonderful yellows! and now I will not be able to get that song out of my head all day 🙂
