About two years ago, we parted ways with the group of vets we’d been using for ten years. The quality of the care was not at issue, but the prices they were to charging were. For years, they had been reasonable, caring. You could set up payment plans for the most costly procedures. They worked with you to keep prices down so your pets could get the care they needed.

dog prisoners in garden

In came new management. Prices skyrocketed, service slumped. No more payment plans. No more affordable dental care. No more multi-pet discounts. The cost of routine medications and shots went sky-high. A trip to the vet for anything cost at least $100, no matter how minor.

dogs with bishop and gar

I objected. Then, I got mad. They got mad, because I had no right to get mad. With medical care, whether human or veterinary, the doctor’s front office is always right. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. We left.

We have too many dogs to go for long without a vet, so we defaulted to The Convenient Veterinarian — Agape Animal Hospital in Northbridge — the one nearest home. How bad could they be?


Our dogs have been mostly healthy. Bonnie has an issue with her eyes requiring twice daily medicated drops. Nan is arthritic — she is 13 — and she gets a low dose aspirin with her dinner. Nan and Bonnie both needed dental work. To hear Dr. Lawrence explain it, their teeth were in horrendous condition, dangerously, lethally infected. A disaster area which would kill them.

Kill them, that’s what he said. As in death.

Me and Bonnie

He knew we had limited resources. Retirees are typically strapped for cash. It doesn’t mean we don’t love our dogs. It means you can’t squeeze us for more money because we don’t have it. And won’t have it in the future. We can usually pay over time, but we can’t come up with big lump sums.

Price for Bonnie’s teeth — no payment plan option, and no negotiation — would be no less than $800. For Nan? Minimum $1190.

I pointed out if my teeth cost that much to do, I couldn’t do them either. He shrugged, looked sympathetic, but didn’t give an inch. The medication for Bonnie’s eyes went up from $97 to $110 per month. No discounts there, either.

She needed drops twice a day, but usually only got them only once because we couldn’t afford more medication.

Nan - 14

I’d have sought a new vet sooner (like immediately), but I was facing heart surgery and I just couldn’t deal with it. After the heart surgeries (all 5 of them) were done and I was back to being a person, I knew I had to get a new vet. This one was interested in money, not the health of his patients.

We got a recommendation from Furry Friends in Milford. She is the groomer my son had discovered and she’s wonderful. Not only does she know what your dog is supposed to look like (our Scottie looks like a Scottie again), but she charges based on the amount of work involved in grooming your dog rather than how much she can squeeze out of you.

She suggested we go to Metrowest Veterinary Association in Milford. And we did. It’s not as convenient, but it is — sorry for the pun — what the doctor ordered. Bonnie’s teeth got done for under $500 (payment plan, too) and came out with teeth white as snow. Turns out her teeth weren’t all that bad, either.

Bonnie has her smile back. The $110 medicated eye drops now cost $58 and for 50% more drops. Because we can give her the drops twice a day, her eyes are clearing up. Eventually, she may will longer need drops at all.

Not only was Dr. Lawrence screwing us for money, he was also lying about our dogs’ health. Bonnie’s teeth needed work, but they were not infected, not killing her. Nan is next up and we are assured her teeth will cost about the same. They will let us pay with post-dated checks and meantime, she’s okay. Not an imminent medical emergency.

Nan and Bishop

Sometimes, when you think someone is out to get you it’s because they are out to get you, or at least out to get your money. That Dr. Lawrence could say this stuff to us and not care about its impact on the dogs — or us — is hard to comprehend.

If you live locally, don’t take your pets to Agape Animal Hospital. It’s a ripoff. Worse, it’s bad care with a dishonest veterinarian at the helm.

Categories: #Photography, Medical, Money, Pets, Scottish Terrier

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36 replies

  1. Thank you for standing up to the strong arm tactics, these greedy people that somehow get their license to practice medicine on our loved ones, can and often do employ. I too have horror stories about vet malpractice and down right theft of my money for medication. We need more people to stand up and tell it like it is about these disgusting people and hit them where it hurts. I am going to be starting up a new web site just for this purpose, will be coming soon in 2015. Keep an eye out for it, I want to have it setup where good folks can describe the exact situation that makes them feel that a vet is not someone to use, or why you should use them, and it will be 100% free. I will have reviews from users from as many states and cities / towns as possible, I will have a rating system so you can quickly see who to avoid, or who to read reviews about. I just think something like this will empower the public to make better decisions for their loved ones and why, or why not, to use a certain veterinarian’s services.


    • It sounds like a web site we all need. They do this with medical stuff — doctors, hospitals, procedures. Those of us who have pets and care about them need to have more information. Honest information. Please let me know when you are up and running. I will gladly cross post stuff because I think people will be interested and want to know about it.


      • I will try to remember to notify all about the site when I do get it up and running..

        It may be a few weeks / months.. but I have been wanting to get this going for a while..

        I got the domain name last April when I had to deal with the loss of a beautiful cat and used a

        vet that actually caused more harm than good, and charged me unbelievable amounts of money for it.

        So I want to put some thought behind the format, and allow people to express their feelings about experiences

        with their vets, good or bad, I think it may even work as a therapeutic method to vent some emotions for

        animal lovers that have had to deal with losses and share how they were treated by their loved ones “doctor”.

        The Vet business has become as bad or most likely worse than the human medical industry as far as huge profits and

        bad service / care for our beloved friends. My pets are family, I care for them the same, and any Vet that is only after profits

        needs to be exposed and people need to know how to avoid these types.

        I will let you know when I am getting close to a grand opening..

        I will need lots of input to get it going, if you have ideas about the format, by all means let me know your thoughts.




        • This particular place is the worst. Scare tactics and outright lies … along with obscenely high prices. NO concern for the animals or owners. It shouldn’t be this way, anywhere.


      • This may interest you. It is a review I found about “Agape Animal Hospital”.

        Agape Animal Hospital in Northbridge &lrd=0x89e4123f6d130fdf:0xdda19aa1a017a9ce,1

        Myles the Amazing

        a year ago-

        This vet is no good! Brought my cat there for years, a total of 3 visits. the 3rd time I bought my cat apparently had a rare immune deficiency that eats the enamel off there teeth causing major rot and gum disease. He said that it was to bad, cause the effects of the disease start showing signs in kitten hood. (why wasn’t it detected at an earlier appointment.)Mind you my cat had one bad tooth. The vet at agape said they would have to remove all the cats teeth over a 2 step surgery!!! The first of witch cost $1600!!! But “Don’t worry.” he says “Cats don’t need there teeth and can go about finely, crushing food with there bone pallet, the cat would be perfectly happy.” So I went and got a second opinion at a near by clinic in the next town over. Witch has animal dental specialists. The near by clinic managed to squeeze me in the day I called and checked out my cat. They said he showed no sign of any enamel eating diseases or deficiencies of any sort and was perfectly healthy other then the fact he had worm (Witch agape missed.). They said he had only one tooth needing extraction do it being a fractured tooth that got infected, they also said that you should never pull all of a cats teeth if it isn’t a life or death situation do to the obvious necessity to chew. There final cost was very reasonable, resulting in one happy cat with almost all of his teeth!!! I think people who bring there animals to AGAPE should really get a second opinion if there is any pertinent health concerns.


  2. A good vet is like a good pediatrician: hard to find. I’ve seen great ones, poor ones and bad ones, too. My favorites are men or women who care for the animal, do their best to avoid excessive pain but don’t consider our pets like celebrities who need white teeth and perfect bodies. I’ve been lucky to find a vet I liked very much and my dog liked him too. But things changed a little bit when my dog had to been put down for terminal cancer. Then the bills started to sky rocket. It’s a little sad that the friendly relationship turned into business business.


    • The high prices were bad … but the lies intended to prod me into expensive procedures? That was over the top for me. We all hope our pets never get seriously ill because we too have had bills that we were paying long after our pets had passed. Which is depressing, to say the least.


  3. Thanks for sharing your pics. How much I want to meet you. Hopefully I will one day. Your pets are so healthy and cute. They look so the last pic 🙂


  4. I lucked into getting a pretty good vet, and I hope her office stays that way. Ody had a 6 night stay down there 3 years ago due to a urine blockage… complete with X-ray, catheter, pills, food, etc… I don’t think I ever dreaded one of my own medical bills more than I did seeing what that experience was going to ring up to….

    It was just a little under $400. Your Dr. Lawrence would likely never approve of missing a profit opportunity like that (Not to mention all of the unnecessary expensive treatments he would have performed that would have probably killed the cat in the process)…

    Also, when I had to have my beloved Spilly put down a few months before that ordeal, the vet called me the very next day asking if I wanted to stop by and pick a new companion for Ody from their current batch up for adoption. A completely thoughtless act to try and make more money, you say? Nope, I got my new friend Biskit, who’d already had his shots and was neutered, 100% for free.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think the blatant lack of concern for the dogs was the worst part. IF it had been true that their teeth were in such bad shape that their lives were in danger, to just shrug when it became obvious we couldn’t pay those prices … not even give us a referral to somewhere who might be willing to do the work for less money or on different terms? What kind of vet does that? I was angry but worse, I was horrified.


  5. I will cry when my vet retires. He is so in tune with the cats and doesn’t believe in unnecessary vaccinations for indoor cats (rabies is required and he gives them the nasal vaccine for distemper, but most others cause more risk for site-injection cancer) or unnecessary medication.

    I got into a not-quite-yelling match at our previous vet because they kept wanting to charge me for Prevention flea treatment for two animals that have never had fleas in 12 years. Worse was the guilt “well, they can get sick and have worms if they get fleas”. Yeah, I had a cat get nerve issues from Prevention; again, risk vs. benefit. Sometimes it really is all about the money, unfortunately.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You threw me a curve ball there Marilyn. Because Veterans day was just yesterday when you started talking about vet problems the scandalous vet service was there in my mind. Dental work for dogs? The VA doesn’t do dental work on humans much less pets. Suddenly the light bulb went on that you were talking about a veterinary service, not the Veterans Administration. DOH! That changed the whole meaning of the post. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, though I can see where the confusion might be … now that our teeth are cosmetic, as opposed to part of the original equipment we need to take care of 🙂


    • Bob, I had a similar reaction when I first saw the title of this one. A reboot of Good Cop, Bad Cop? I’ve had Marilyn’s 6 on all this and she is so very right. Some Animal Docs lie like dogs. And, yes, Dogs should think about suing me for comparing them with those people.


  7. These photos are all just wonderful. I love the expressions in the last one. We used the same vet for over 20 years, honest, always took the least invasive approach first, which usually was the way to go. It was about the animal, not the money. Years ago a cat had been hit by a car on my block, I wasn’t sure if she was still breathing, I called my vet-it was a Sunday- without hesitation he said meet me in the office NOW- (the cat did die) but his immediate compassionate response I will never forget. He kept the cat in his office until I could post signs to find the owner, which I did a few days later. I am glad you now how your babes in the right hands


  8. I’m glad you found somewhere affordable to get your doggies all sorted out. Imagine how many people are going to the nasty vet and going without food themselves because they love their pets and the vet is ripping them off.
    That’s such a cute shot of Bonnie (?) looking up at the camera 🙂


    • It’s Nan. Bonnie’s the Scottie, Nan’s the Norwich 🙂 I think Agape (meaning “unconditional love” no less!) was a bit of a shock. I didn’t think they could really be that bad. Okay, maybe a little bit more than some other vet, but to actually lie to get us to pony up more $$? I’m not easily shocked, but that got me.


  9. This is despicable! But that doctor isn’t going to change, especially because people love their pets so much and if they’re still working, they’ll pay his outrageous, unneeded, expensive services. He should be reported to some medical board, I don’t know if that’s possible with Vets or even if gouging patients is considered bad practice by the medical board, but, people, patients need to know.

    I am so glad you posted this to warn others and to recommend an alternative service! 😀


  10. I recently ordered this book from Amazon How to Afford Veterinary Care Without Mortgaging the Kids by James L. Busby who is a retired vet dismayed about the price gouging that many vets do today. It really goes into detail about what is necessary and what is not for vet care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I knew a fair amount … but finding a vet with some compassion who would actually work with us … that was the hard one. You can know what you know, but you cat stopped dead by vets saying “Well that’s the way we do it.” And you can argue till you’re blue in the face, but it won’t change anything. You also have to find a vet that actually cares. Which used to be a lot easier.


  11. I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than $225 for a cleaning (including bloodwork), and that has included some pretty sorry mouths with multiple extractions over the years with rescued Cavaliers. But our vet isn’t greedy. The same services at other vets in town can run to $500 or $1000. Without him, there’s no way we could have afforded to have five dogs at one time. Love that guy! (Plus, he’s a graduate of Texas A&M, and you can’t do better than that around here.)


    • I’m just grateful we finally found a vet to work with! I was seriously fretting over what I imaged to be the rotting mouths of our two terriers … and the worst shock was when Dr. Marcy said “They aren’t all that bad. They need work, but it’s hardly and emergency.” I never imagined he would actually LIE about their health. That was over the top for us. Garry is still seething. I’m just appalled … and glad to finally be taking care of the problem. Nan’s up next as soon as we finish paying off Bonnie. Probably January.


  12. It’s horrible to try to frighten pet owners by telling them their fur kids need expensive treatment when it’s not true. The cost of being a responsible pet owner is becoming so high that I’m afraid that one day people like us won’t be able to afford pets any more; taking just a little more joy out of the lives of the poor and elderly. A great shame as pet ownership is good for our health and probably ought to be subsidised.
    (” a puppy a day keeps the doctor away.”)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I totally agree with you. But scare tactics IS a new one on me. I really didn’t think I’d ever see that and it’s shameful. I am beginning to wonder how we’ll continue to afford pets without any kind of vet care subsidy.


  13. Bad doctors (animal or human type) are the worst. I’m glad you found a better vet for your furbabies.
