i.1.marsala-color-of-yearI’ve been watching this prompt series for a while, but never participated. This was such an interesting choice of color, I decided to give it a try. Not being a wine drinker, I was a bit stumped until I looked at Cee’s pictures, and of course, the Pantone color swatch.

Marsala is Pantone’s color of the year for 2015. I would describe it as a shade of red, close to brick or rust. Crossed with a hint of burgundy and brown. Aged brick. Old machinery. And the last leaves of autumn.

72-Lackey Dam_029

twisting path in Hyannis


Main st Worcester

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Categories: #Photography

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9 replies

  1. Welcome to the gang. I have been a part of this challenge for quite some time now and enjoy Jennifer’s selection of colors. Stunning pictures and perfect interpretation of the theme. I am speechless by looking at the first one….Have a similar looking pic from my recent trip to Kanha wildlife. Will share with you soon. I am nominating you for an award….I know you got almost all and this is a award free zone, still I am giving you one with hope you will accept it. In fact the moment I visited your blog to copy the link I saw this beautiful post ….could not resist commenting at once. Now off to my unfinished post 🙂


    • You are a sweetheart 🙂 I have a collection of awards I’m trying to get around to addressing. Maybe I will. I don’t know. The problem is, I’ve gotten a lot of them over the years and I’ve passed them along to so many people, there’s no one left to give them to. It’s like a chain letter. You get an award, you spread out the goodness to five or seven or 12 other bloggers. Eventually, you run out of candidates. That’s why many of us stop accepting awards. It’s not acceptance that’s the problem. It’s passing them on. Often the only person you haven’t already given an award to is the person giving it to you … and obviously, they already have one. THAT is the problem. It isn’t that I don’t appreciate the honor.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I can very well understand this. I echo your words that it takes lot of time to pass them on. Today I had to sacrifice my daily prompt to write this post, since it was long time pending post. It is time consuming to link so many blogs to the post. I am so tired doing that and no energy left…today’s prompt was good for a change. I will read the responses tomorrow.


  2. These are lovely! I’m so glad you’ve decided to participate 🙂 I really adore the reflection in your last image.



  1. One Word Photo Challenge: Persimmon | Jennifer Nichole Wells