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Slowly, the ice and snow is melting. Very slowly. Huge piles of frozen slush. The birds are still hanging around and we have had a bit of additional fluffy snow.


Nothing serious, not enough to cover the ground that is finally exposed. The birds have been pecking away at the ground.


I’m sure they are very happy to find some live food, some green. Even if it is just moss.

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Categories: #Birds, #Photography, Nature, New England, snow, Winter

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6 replies

  1. Ahh! Life in the “boonies”….


  2. The birds still seem to be fluffed out for the cold. I bet they’ll be glad when it warms up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The temperature dropped again. I’m thinking it’s a temporary setback. There’s a lot of ground showing now, but melting is going very slowly. I don’t remember it ever taking quite this long. Won’t be much today … too cold!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I heard Boston broke the record by an inch. Amazing – over 100 feet of snow. Spring can’t come soon enough 😀


    • 100 INCHES. Yikes, 100 feet would herald the new ice age! Bad enough. Yes, we broke 100 inches, but it isn’t the first time, just the first time we’ve done it so fast. Out here in the valley, 70 miles west of Boston we really got more. 100 inches isn’t unusual. I remember a few years ago it was 112 inches and out here, it may have been more than that this year. They never seem to know what we get in the valley. We aren’t even on their radar 🙂 Hey, in Jackman Maine, where we go for vacation, they get an average of 10 feet of snow every winter. That’s 120 inches. That’s normal for them.

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