Early Bird

For this week’s photo challenge, get up early and explore the morning light.

Living on the east coast in a house that faces east, sunrise is a much easier capture than sunset. There are sunrises in the deep part of winter. The glowing sky over a world buried deep under snow and ice.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Dawn, Seasons, Sunrise, woodland, Woods

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34 replies

  1. very cool shots…


  2. So so beautiful and eerie and evocative! I have a photog lesson tomorrow, trying to up my game!


  3. Great photos. Every day is never the same. The sun moves a little more each day


  4. Stunning colors on all of these, but especially the first one.


    • Thanks. That was an amazing sunrise. I woke up and it looked like the sky was on fire. A lot of people took pictures that morning. It was remarkable.


      • Out here in AZ, the sun tries to kill you.., but where the sun really shows its colors is sunSETs. They say it’s mostly due to polution in the air. All those nice exhaust particles refract different colors, but mostly, a lot of reds and oranges. The combo creates some pretty spectacular sunsets.., I envy you seeing the sun as it makes its first appearance. Nice colors…


        • Well, any dust in the air … any kind of particles … will improve sunsets and sunrises. In Israel, the year Mt. St. Helena exploded, we had blood-red sunsets for a month. Chernobyl gave us some very weird looking flowers … and a lot of gorgeous sunsets. Our house faced west, we had to go somewhere else to see the sunrise. They look the same, really. You can’t tell the difference from a picture unless you know where it was taken and whether it faces east or west. Apparently equinoxes produces the best light shows. May favorite is still sunrise over the Atlantic. Except for the mosquitoes.


          • I guess we just choke and enjoy.., eh?


            • I wouldn’t have put it quite that way … but yeah. Right now, we’ll totally inundated with pollen. Choke and enjoy indeed. Flowers, leaves, grasses, ferns … sunrise and sunset.. My cardiologist pointed out it’s better than being up to your eyeballs in ice and snow.


  5. Loved the hues. You have captured so many shades of the early morning sky ! Remarkable

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful Pictures. We have beautiful sunrises all year here in Florida. Our Sunsets are best in the Spring and Summer Months. Our house sits where we get to see both of them. I will be sharing them on my blog soon.
    Marilyn, Have a wonderful weekend. , Sarah



  1. Photo Challenge; Early Bird | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  2. WPC: Early Bird | decocraftsdigicrafts
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge – Early Bird | Just Snaps
  4. Weekly Photo Challenge – Early Bird | Chittle Chattle