Was school easy or difficult for you? How so?

I was always good at memorizing information for short periods. I was one of those kids that could not go to class all year, cram the night before the test, then ace it. Until I bumped into hard sciences and mathematics. At which point, I learned humility in a hurry.

72-OIL-school bus Which-Way_06

But over all, since I wasn’t a math or science major, school was easy. I worked very hard in classes that interested me, barely bothered to do anything if I it didn’t grab my interest. I got a lot out of college, more on the job after getting my B.A.

School is where you begin your education. Life is where you earn advanced degrees.

What is your favorite animal?

As in to own? As a pet? Dogs, with cats and ferrets a close second. I like parrots, too.

dogs with bishop and gar

But in the greater world of animals, I love elephants and lions and tigers and rhinoceroses. Deer and moose. Bears. Wild birds and wolves. I love them all and mourn every loss.

If you had to have your vision corrected would you rather: glasses or contacts?

I can’t wear contacts, so it’s a moot point for me. I will wear glasses … three different strengths … because I can’t see without them.

List:  Name at least five television shows (past or present) you enjoyed?

At my age, I have loved a great many shows. So. Let’s limit this to the shows we currently watch and love. Otherwise, it simply gets way out of hand.


NCIS, Castle, House Of Cards, Bosch, Firefly, Star Trek (all permutations). There are so many more.

BW TV cameras

Original and in reruns, I have seen the evolution of television from relatively primitive to today. I’m sure I’ll live to see interactive TV where in addition to annoying advertisements, there will be annoying requirements I answer questions or input other information. I can hardly wait.

Categories: #Photography, Humor, Media, Personal, Television

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11 replies

  1. Your photos for this week are absolutely wonderful. Thanks for sharing. I knew I would see an NCIS photo. Hi Gary!!! 😀


  2. Star trek oh man I forgot Star trek. How could I?


  3. Yay, a fellow Firefly fan. Gone before its time 😦


  4. I think my favorite show of all time was That Was The Week That Was (TW3). There have been others, but I couldn’t live without TW3 while it ran!
