FF – The Worst Idea Ever

Every time I read this, I can’t stop laughing. Definitely need a laugh today.

draliman on life

Here is my story for Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle. This week’s photo comes courtesy of J Hardy Carroll.

I had problems thinking of a story for this one, so I’ve gone full silly. I apologise in advance, I’m not in the mood for writing thoughtful or sombre this evening :-).

To read this week’s other stories, click on the blue froggy.

Copyright J Hardey CarrollCopyright J Hardy Carroll

Opening Soon!

Be among the first to book the World’s first reversible church! Our revolutionary forward-backward-facing pews together with front and rear pulpits allow dual simultaneous services.

Save Time!

About to get married, but a favourite relative has sadly passed away? (Congratulations, and we’re sorry for your loss.) No problem! Book both services in the same time slot and get one half price*.

Yes, that’s Half Price!*

So book now to avoid disappointment! Bring this flyer and get your…

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7 replies

  1. Oh, Marilyn–this is a riot! Especially the ‘save time’ part. I love it! How very convenient.


  2. Thanks so much for the reblog! I’m glad you liked my story 🙂

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