Even the dogs don’t want to go outside. Hard to argue with them. The weather is cool and bright and normally, they’d be outside romping and barking, but instead, they are lolling around the living room. It could be that it has risen to the level of moping.


The invasion of the caterpillars from hell is ongoing. I’ve been refusing to go out, but today I have a doctor appointment. No choice. I have to go out, but I don’t have to like it. My summer is being stolen. By caterpillars.


I got some nice shots of the fuchsia last week. I wanted to see how close my 25mm lens will shoot and the answer is, pretty close. Not quite macros, but close.


Losing a summer is a big deal. No one gets an unlimited number of summers. Every summer is important. Sad to lose one.

Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography

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13 replies

  1. Early Spring … our garden is almost mid summer gorgeous.


  2. At least you have your bright fuchsias to keep you sane. They are glorious


    • And they are the ONLY flowers outside. We have two trees with leaves — an ash and a catalpa, two pots of fuchsia, the holly bush, and a lot of naked oaks and maples. It’s pretty weird looking out there.


  3. Do let us know when the ground stops moving. Does someone have to sweep them up?


    • My son will use the leaf blower. That’s what he did last time and that what the spray guy suggested. Said it’s much better than hosing it down or trying to sweep. So my son we be here after work. And let us hope that the siege lifts … at least somewhat.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Your flowers are beautiful, Marilyn. Sorry about your summer, though….


  5. Beautiful flowers……. 🌹🌹


  6. The fuchsias are wonderful!


    • Yes, they are the bright spot right now. Garry braves the invaders to water them every day and so far, so good. Fuchsias are very thirsty plants and I really need them to be alive, to remind me that it IS summer. Even though the trees are as bare as mid winter.
