If you were given a boat or yacht today, what would you name it?  (You can always sell the yacht later)

When I actually had a boat — you could hardly call it a yacht since it was a tiny 16-foot centerboard Soling — I named her “Gwaihir” which means, “Wind Lord” in Elvish. I was deep into my Tolkien period. The boat’s name was always a bit too much for such a sweet little craft, but I loved her anyway.

Between the boats - marina

I can’t even imagine owning an entire yacht. Where would we sail her? The rivers are not suitable for anything bigger than a kayak and the coast is inconveniently far away. I think I’m inclined to feel as many have felt before me that it’s better to have friends who own a yacht than to own the yacht yourself. Boats require a lot of maintenance and a lot of attention. They don’t just sit there in the water. You have to do a lot of stuff to make sure they remain “shipshape.” Whether it’s a big motor launch or a little sailboat, there’s still always a task awaiting attention.

So I will leave you with the name of our friends’ boat: Serenity, named after the craft in Josh Whedon’s “Firefly” series. It’s a good name and a good thought. Or maybe … Serendipity?

Which of Snow White’s 7 dwarfs describes you best?  (Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey). What would the 8th dwarf’s name be? 

I am each of those dwarfs, depending on when you ask. Today, I think I am Happy, but yesterday, I was Grumpy. I might be Doc tomorrow. What with hay fever season starting, I am very likely to morph into Sneezy.


The eighth dwarf is definitely ITCHY.

Name a song or two which are included on the soundtrack to your life?

Rod Stewart was the song of our courtship. I think it still is.

Complete this sentence:  

I like watching … the seasons change through my picture window. Seeing the clouds roll by, the leaves unfold. The rain and snow fall and the sun return. It is a very find perch for watching life and the world. Right now the wind is picking up because the remnants of a hurricane are passing along the coastline. We are due for a bit of wind and hopefully, more than a little rain.



Categories: #Photography, Home, Humor, Music, Personal

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10 replies

  1. what a wonderful window that is Marilyn!


  2. I actually both bought and sold a boat on the same day. they cancelled each other out. I felt neither happy nor sad.


  3. Marilyn, the two best days for the person who owns a boat are the day he buys it and the day he sells it. My father had a boat and it was always having problems. We had a boat and we always had problems (engine problems). Since I get sea sick, I would call it the “Nausea Pit” ( but then we wouldn’t have a boat).


  4. I think everyone cycles through the full range of dwarf names!


  5. Interesting. I am not the boat type, my problems begin when boarding as I am shaky enough without the boarding plank. Had some problems with this one as do not really do theme tunes and being 1 m 75 cm, (5 ft 10″?) everyone is a dwarf to me.


    • I used to be really agile. And I totally loved sailing. Now, I can barely get aboard without falling in the water. Hard for me to match the “now” me with the “then” me.
