Sometimes, probably more often than we’d like to admit, there is only a single path. It may be rough or smooth, across open land or into a tangled woods. Regardless, it’s the road we are on and there’s no going back.

This is my road. It goes quite straight, up the hill and then, disappears. What lies beyond the hill I don’t know. Life is traveled without maps. We never know what’s over the hill or around the bend … or at the other side of the woods. And, as for taking the road less traveled? In my experience, it inevitably goes nowhere. That’s why the road is unused.

I participate in WordPress' Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

I participate in WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge 2016

Categories: #Photography

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5 replies

  1. So very true- I love what you did with the photo- soft focus, lending to the mood of what lies ahead we never really know


  2. Paths constantly change. When you think you are at the top of the hill and at last can see the scenery, the next rise in the path is there, so you probably never get to see what will be arriving.



  1. Path: Boats | What's (in) the picture?