As days go, this has been a very mellow one. I finally got a decent night’s sleep. And it’s pretty warm, a bright clear day with a lovely winter pale yellow sun almost adding color to the otherwise rather gray landscape. The last days of January without snow is almost a world with the pause button pressed.


The dogs know how to deal with such a day. They are good that way.

Yellow late afternoon light on two lazy little dogs

Yellow late afternoon light on two lazy little dogs

Now, I’m going off to wash my hair, then cook a little supper.


Categories: #Photography, dogs, Light and Lights

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9 replies

  1. Bonnie and Gibbs are resting up for Sunday’s Superbowl game. They’ll have a lot of barking to do for the Patriots.


  2. Lovely illusrations to the theme. You have really captured the mellow touch.


  3. I see your blog from time to time and this came as a simile to what i do everyday , the snow , and allot of trees thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I hear a gentle calm there. Have a lovely evening Marilyn.
