Share Your World – February 27, 2017

Ever ran out of gas in your vehicle?

I ran out of gas in the early 1970s. Now, I do not ever run out of gas. Ever. Never. Not at all. If I even think there’s some tiny possibility that such a thing could happen, I immediately race to the nearest station and fill up.

Photo: Garry Armstrong - Keep that buggy on full!

Photo: Garry Armstrong – Keep that buggy on full!

Gasoline is like toilet paper. You can never have too much.

Which are better: black or green olives?

I hate olives. I am a pretty good eater, but olives, anchovies, and anything slimy are among the foods I don’t like.

And milk. I don’t like it. It made childhood difficult as my mother explored the various possibilities of making milk somehow acceptable to me.

Never happened. With all the milk issues, olives never became a major issue.

If you were a great explorer, what would you explore?

So many things. Mountains. Rockies and Himalayas. Casablanca. Japan and China. Kenya. New Zealand. Mexico. The Faro Islands. Switzerland. France. Italy. And at least one more trip to England, Ireland, and Wales. A very long trip.

Quotes List: At least three of your favorite quotes?

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. — Robert Hanlon

(This first one is my favorite. It’s on all of my emails.)


From the TV show “Luke Cage.”

Nothing is certain anymore. Nothing. Chaos is king and magic is loose in the world. – Robert Heinlein, “Waldo”


“George was the reason pubs invented closing time.” — Wife of victim discussing her husband’s fondness for alcohol. From “MidSomer Murders.”


I’m afraid this one is mine, but I’m sure it stands on the shoulders of many others.

Arthur C. Clarke’s Three Laws are considered closely related:

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” — Eleanor Roosevelt


From “Good Omens” by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.

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Categories: #Food, Humor, Quotation

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16 replies

  1. Gasoline is like toilet paper. You can never have too much. Now that’s something to live by……
    I love both green and back olives, Feta cheese and milk.
    As for exploring, I’d dearly love to spend a couple of months in Morocco to explore the Atlas Mountains. They have some cool fossils there. We carted a Trilobite home from there. (You wouldn’t want to find one of those in your bed, Marilyn, they look really nasty.)


  2. I kind of like thinking of it as ‘avoiding the rush.’ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nothing humbles a man like gravity???

    Clearly you never met my Ex! 🙂


    Liked by 2 people

  4. Funny, I hated milk as a child too. Wouldn’t drink it.


  5. We share again. I am also not a lover of milk and I have discovered in age that milk does not live me – lactose allergy.


    • Garry really IS lactose intolerant. I just don’t like milk. But these days, I tell everyone I’m lactose intolerant because it’s easier than the truth 😀 We have no milk in the house at all. Half-and-half for coffee, but no milk. Every now and then I need some for a recipe, so we buy a quart, I use half a cup and the rest goes bad. Oh well.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I like green olives. Love ’em in my Virgin Mary.

        I’ve never run out of gas (or can’t remember). In retirement, I’ll let it dip to just under a quarter before gassing up.

        I’d love to see the South Sea Islands and stop at Rick’s Place in Casablanca on the long voyage home.

        “Generosity: That was my first mistake”. It’s on all my emails. Calvera/Eli Wallach’s line in “The Magnificient Seven” is still appropriate in many situations.
