Usually when I write one of these blogs I try to be funny.



OK, maybe just humorous.



Fine. Mildly amusing.



Problem is, I can’t be funny right now because I’m angry. Really pissed off. And I’m not alone. Pretty much the whole country is really pissed off right now — but for different reasons. The media “narrative” or “explanation” or “excuse” for how SCROTUS got elected was that middle class white folks were pissed off. They wanted to give a big F-You to Washington.



And they succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. But here’s the thing. They are only about 20 to 25 percent of the population.

The day after the election, a really odd thing happened. The remaining 75 percent of the population woke up REALLY PISSED! And not the grumpy old man “Hey you kids get off my lawn!” kind of pissed.



It included not only the people who didn’t vote for Trumpy McTrumpface. But everybody else.

Us. The other 75 percent. For us, this is a different level of pissed off. It’s “Incredible Hulk”  level pissed off.



For those of you not in the Nerdverse like me, The Hulk is Bruce Banner. A nice, quiet, nerdy kind of guy. A scientist. He gets caught in a Gamma bomb blast (think Hydrogen bomb on steroids) and turns into The Incredible Hulk.



Whenever somebody pisses him off, and for some reason people are always pissing him off,  he turns green and grows to be about 15-feet tall. And starts throwing tanks and other large military objects at the people shooting at him. Usually the Army. The whole  Army. Or at least a few platoons.



When you think about it, we’re all a lot like the Hulk. We were, for the most part, going about our daily lives. Minding our own business. Many of us quiet and nerdy. Many of us are scientists, or at least we believe that science exists.  Then a huge Gamma bomb went off. Around midnight November 9th 2016. After which, we got really, seriously, pissed off.



Lately, you hear lots of people saying variations on the same theme:

“This is exhausting!”

“How much more of this can we take?”

“I can’t keep up. Something new and worse happens every day.”

“I can’t believe it’s not butter!”



Pundits warn that we will get used to the endless barrage of crap coming out of the White House swamp. That we can’t maintain this level of anger. That we’re getting worn out.


blogs.mpnews.com “This is getting old”

Well, here’s the thing. The reason the Hulk always wins is because his real power is not his strength. It’s his anger. The madder he gets, the stronger he gets.

There is no upward limit on his strength because there’s
no upward limit on his rage.

theunrealtimes.com “You did not just gut the EPA”

And that’s the thing that the people shooting at the Hulk never understand. If you just stop shooting at him, he calms down. He turns back into Bruce Banner.



Scrotus could do the same thing– more or less. You know, stop shooting all sorts of crap at us.



He won’t, though. It’s going to go on for a while, maybe years. Will we get tired?  Will we stop being pissed off? Will we give up and go home?


The madder we get, the stronger we get.
We are all Bruce Banner now.


Categories: #American-history, Civil unrest, satire and parody, Supernatural, Tom Curley

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33 replies

  1. “The Credible Hulk” – Brilliant!

    I loved the choice of first 3 pics – well done Tom! (Bruce).


    Liked by 1 person

  2. I guess you’re in for some serious “Hulk” time.


  3. I think we could make posters out of those final two lines.

    The madder we get, the stronger we get.
    We are all Bruce Banner now.

    Actually, this would make a great Tee shirt. What do you think? Black. White lettering. Seriously, you think?

    AND one from this one, too:

    There is no upward limit on his (“our”) strength because there’s no upward limit on his (“our”) rage.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wonderful piece, Pancho! I like the intercuts of pics with graphs. It lends a measured tone.

      I must confess a brief senior moment. I briefly thought Bruce Banner was one of 45’s secret agents. Then, reality kicked back in.

      I think the anger will continue. I may have to adjust my BP meds along the way. I know I need mental time outs. One night last week, I found myself brooding and in a foul mood. We’d watched Nightly News and were up to date on the latest. We gave ourselves a fix of Brit Cop shows on Acorn TV. I was feeling fairly mellow when Mary-Lynne wanted to watch Trevor and Colbert. I wasn’t a happy camper! We watched the boys but I couldn’t laugh. I couldn’t smile because as they bashed Agent Orange and his latest follies, I was just getting the news again. Plus, Trevor and Stephen do very similar bits on the same stories. It’s not their fault. They are doing their jobs. But I can take only so much of 45 and his gang, straight news and or political comedy.

      Your pieces seem to strike a nice balance.

      Vaya con Dios,


    • Other than getting copyright rights. It would be cool.


    • Where can we order the “T” shirt ?

      Liked by 1 person

      • if we can get permission to use the Bruce Banner name … But first things first. I only got the idea this morning, though with the wonderfulness of CustomInk … all things are possible!


        • I was thinking of a picture of the hulk. But just the name can’t be copy written. You probably could do it. Funny


          • Well, yes, that’s kind of what I was thinking. The name is just a fictional name from a story, so I don’t think it’s copyright-able. The PICTURE is another issue, unless we made our own, of course. That might be a bit dicey. Now I’m thinking about design. I get really into this stuff.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. This is wonderful and creative and more than mildly funny. It actually got to me. I’ve been trying so hard to keep my head down and just focus on what I can do close to home (taking tiny flashlights and tarps to the hundreds of homeless near me or whatever). Now, I’m pissed and I feel less hopeless and shut down. Thanks for your post.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. If you want to know how you ended up with Trump and we ended up with Brexit read Carol Cadwalladr in last week’s Uk Observer. It seems Mr Mercer has a lot to answer for. The age of ‘cognitive warfare’ is here and most of us don’t know it:

    Liked by 3 people

    • Wow. I read it. Everybody else should.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Trish – much needed news to me.

      Anyone beside me see some parallels between Asimov’s Foundation series and it’s ‘Psychohistory’ and what the Guardian report covered?

      Computer algorithms for human emotion and thus how to control them on a mass scale – no longer just sci-fi stories it seems??

      Worrying in the extreme, in the wrong hands (are there ever right hands for this stuff?)

      Fore-warned is fore-armed.

      Now i’m certain it’s time to close my FB account for good.


      Liked by 1 person

      • Damn. I never thought of that. Psychohistory. So who is Hari Seldon? And why is trying to destroy humanity? Didn’t he read the damn books?


        • Or even better. Seldon lived over a hundred years ago. He was a contemporary of Einstein. The Seldon plan started over a hundred years ago. World War One, World War Two, The Cold War. All Seldon crises. Trumpy McTrump Head is just another Seldon Crisis. Makes as much sense as reality does.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Ohh Look! – A rabbit hole…. I wonder where it leads…??

            (no – not the left at Albuquerque one, Alice!)



            • “Without (direct intentional) control of emotion (of Empire’s human populations), the models show all Galactic Empires will ultimately fail and fall, regardless of the level of their technology.” – Discuss!
              (Quote from Wikipedia on Foundation novels – brackets are my clarifications)


              Liked by 1 person

              • You know it’s funny. I actually downloaded and listen to the audiobooks of the original three Foundation novels. So it’s fresh in my head. The parallels are scary.


                • Given that Trump/Brexit/Cambridge Analytics (and no doubt several others like them) are happening NOW it is very scary indeed. But i don’t believe any of them are intentionally seeking the destruction of mankind.

                  The possibilities of ASI however, while not likely for a decade or two at best scare me even more That would be a total game-changer for human life. How are we as a species likely to feel when we become the second most intelligent life-form on this planet?



        • I read most of the books in my long-gone youth and always thought hari was on to something – you can never (always) predict an individual – too randomly motivated/changed – but you can far more reliably predict large group (mob) behaviour and therefore do something to counter it (manipulate it’s direction).

          Did you mean who is currently our Hari Seldon? I don’t think we have one – or he’s doing the smart thing and trying to be inconspicuous! 😉

          Hari looked at the bigger picture, nothing he could do would stop the greater part of humanity living through eons of sufferring and regression. What he could do was ensure the inevitable destruction of ‘mankind’ was as brief and painless as possible (His way not the Empire’s way) and that we had the best chance to recover apres le deluge!

          Sometimes you gotta take the lesser of two evils – right?

          You got your well-stocked bunker ready there Tom?? 😉



      • Indeed – forewarned is fore-armed. It shows how fragile (illusory) is our notion of democratic process. Also those with power will stoop at nothing to increase it. Not very cheerful a thought, I know, but good to know who some of them are.

        Liked by 1 person