For his birthday, Garry got a pot of orchids. He’s not much of a gardener, though he appreciates the results. I was thrilled because I have long hoped to have my own orchids. These are stunning and I’m delighted.




Categories: #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Gardens

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15 replies

  1. Love the ‘Moth Orchid’ (phalaenopsis) – a truly wonderful flower in shape and variety of colour. Mine has dropped it’s flowers now and am waiting for the stalk to brown before cutting it to encourage new flower growth. There are 2 schools of thought – either cut above a node where it should then resprout from original shoot but may not be as prolific in number of flowers next season, or cut it at the base so a new shoot grows, the flowers may then be smaller (unless the plant has grown in the mean time but should have more flowers. I think this variety flowers mostly Spring through Fall, likes weaker or shady sunlight and warm humid air and just a little water – once a week is generally enough. In the natural environment these plants grow on tree trunks/branches and survive off rainfall only.



  2. Beautiful orchids.


    • Thank you. I’m really enjoying them! They are not as easy to shoot as I expected, either. The leaves are very transparent, so the colors don’t show up the way I expect. I finally went to a macro lens and THAT helped.


  3. I like the way you photographed these–very soft and pretty.


  4. We have one that is on its second round of blooming. One tip: water it by placing a few ice cubes in the pot. That allows for a slow steady wetting. Works for us!


    • I will try it. They sent me a little slip of paper and a cup, so it’s already on very “light” water. I’ll need to report it properly once the flowers fade, though. It needs a double pot.


  5. And wonderful orchids they are.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They really are. The leaves are transparent, so when I shoot, the light coming through the glass door changes the color from white, to green. I have to shoot them from off to the side to get them to look like they look to my eyes. Very interesting!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mrs. Swiss, the Orchids are a gift from my youngest Brother. I’m very appreciative.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. These are lovely — are they all from one plant?


    • Yes. It’s blooming like mad. I don’t know after it stops blooming if it will ever bloom again, but for now, it’s really lovely.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I have a friend who had several plants that were blooming when we got them in Hawaii about 6 years ago — they have bloomed every year since then until it got too hot this past year and they didn’t survive. They do go on for several years.


      • That’s what I was going to ask you. I have an orchard that has long since lost its lovely flowers but I keep it anyway in hopes that it will bloom again. Do you know anything about that? Is there something I should be doing to get it to bloom again?
