Share Your World – May 1, 2017

Would you rather live where it is always hot or always cold?

I’m going to go with neither, thanks. I’m getting to be a real Caribbean kind of gal. I want lovely, warm weather. Cool evenings, warm in the middle of the day. Long stretches on beaches with palm trees. Lived in very hot. Lived with bitterly cold. Am planning to stay here, weather or not, but if I have to dream, it’s definitely a long beach and palm trees.

Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself?

Long, though I wore it short for a lot of years when I was working full-time and being a mommy the rest of the day. It was easier to manage. Now it’s sort of medium – longer than short, but hasn’t made it to long. I haven’t cut it recently, so probably, it will eventually be long again.

What is your favorite month of the year?

October. If I’m going to live in this part of the world, there’s no month that comes near October for great weather and the most beautiful world surrounding me.

What is the easiest way for your to learn something new? By reading, by seeing and doing, in a classroom?

Reading or seeing both are fine. Classroom as an absolutely last possible choice. When I graduated college, I knew I was never going back. I didn’t hate school, not at all. But I was done with it and have stayed finished for the past fifty plus years.

Categories: #Photography, Humor, Personal, Seasons, Summer, Winter

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15 replies

  1. Actually if I lived here, I would probably go for October for the autumn colors. 😀 Thanks for sharing.


    • I bet you would like it. Aside from being beautiful, Autumn here is a great season. Dry, cool but not hot. It’s exactly the way you think New England should be, but usually isn’t 😀


  2. Give me a warm climate where one can walk along the beach.


  3. I am New Jersey born and raised, but after living here in sunny Florida for so long, I could never go back to the cold. I will live it through your photos, Marilyn.


    • I could do without the winters too, but I like New England and especially, Massachusetts. I’m sure there are other places I might like, but I do like both the culture and the politics … and the very high education level (most places). And the Red Sox 😀 So, we deal with the weather. Not always happily.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Cold! I love October too, and wear my hair long. Beautiful images, Marilyn. I recognise that lovely bridge.


    • That is our favorite bridge. I probably have several hundred pictures of it in every season except dead winter, when it is just too difficult to get to. But if the path isn’t frozen, it’s our first photo stop.


  5. Warm days and cool evenings sounds perfect.


  6. All beautiful shots, Marilyn!



  7. I think basically your own climate is the one you are used to, but other climates always add the little touch of a holiday feeling. Your hairstyle suits you very well. I no longer have the patience for longer hair.


    • I love my hair long, but there is a lot of extra work involved and on days like today when I know I need to wash it, I get tired just thinking about it. I would probably have it cut more often if there was someone locally I could trust to do it properly.
