Cee’s Which Way Photo Challenge – June 16, 2017

Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

It has been raining constantly since March. We get a day here, a day there with a bit of sun. Half a sunny day, half a cloudy day. Rain, rain, and more rain for days afterwards. We had three or four sunny or partly sunny days this month. Every picture was taken on one of them! When we get a day in which it isn’t actually raining, we shoot!

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, dogs, Gardens, Garry Armstrong, Home, Seasons

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7 replies

  1. Thanks Marilyn for playing. 😀 😀


  2. And we wish it would rain, good shots and without caterpillars


    • We haven’t gotten most of the caterpillars. I think it’s late enough in the month that probably, we won’t get them. I hope I’m not wrong. We have, however, gotten ants. We always get a few, but this year, we can’t seem to get rid of them. The smell of ant spray floats in the air!

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