It’s the beginning of the month and we dog owners know what that means.

Time to give them their heartworm medication! The stuff these guys get comes as a “delicious meaty treat” that all dogs love. And as a rule, they do. They eat them right up like treats and as they are rather small, they wait around for a chaser.

Treats are given in the kitchen. We hand them their treats, then hear their little paws clicking madly over the pseudo-wood floors. It is such a funny sound since Scotties don’t bound or gallop but rather trot or, as the prompt suggests, scamper. I laugh whenever I hear it.

Gibbs refused to eat his meaty treaty because … are you ready? I handed over the pieces in the living room rather than the kitchen. Uh huh. He would not eat it because I delivered it in the wrong room. He put it in his mouth, looked at me, and dropped it behind the computer table.

After moving the table and finding it on the floor, I dusted it off and looked at him. These little meaty treats run about $10 a pop (and that’s on sale), so you don’t drop it then look me in the eye with that “And what are you going to do about it?” attitude. I told him to eat it or else. I’m not sure what else might be, but I would have thought of something. Eventually.

He got the point. He ate it. Very slowly, staring at me the whole time. What a brat!

I used to think he was “like this” because he had a deprived and abandoned puppyhood. Clearly, I failed to realize he is a proper Scottish Terrier and therefore has attitude problems. He joined our home and in just a little more than a year, he’s spoiled. Rotten.

It must be us. Whatever dog we get, they all turn out rotten. They treat us like slaves and worse, we act like slaves. I yelled at him. Garry said it had upset him, so he took him to the kitchen for another treat.

“He doesn’t like it when you yell at him,” he explained.


Categories: #Photography, dogs, Humor, Pets

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44 replies

  1. I think it might be that Gibbs KNEW the room was not the ‘treat room’ and therefore maybe felt it was bad behavior to eat in the non-treat area? Lucky YOU! I’ve tried (in vain) to teach Huny about non-treat areas (living room, couches, the bed) and she does. not. care. She’ll scarf food whereever it happens to fall her way, and sometimes when it isn’t her food at all (pays for me to remember to put stuff UP, because Huny has chihuahua stealth down to a science and the innocent “Who? Wasn’t ME!” look down pat. And yes, dogs get ‘butt hurt’ (I call it anyway). I offended Huny last evening because she was being aggressive about hot soup and it got spilled (on me and on the carpet) and the rest of the night I got the cold dog shoulder and a frosty glare if I attempted to engage her. It wasn’t until this morning that she unfroze a little (and that is probably mostly due to the fact that she got breakfast).


    • Stealing food is a no no. Duke did it once. I yelled at him for a while and he hasn’t gone near it since. He CAN learn. I have to make sure I use my “I am your Alpha” voice, though. Anything less and he ignores it.


  2. Garry seems to be well trained by your dogs. And Lynn is well trained by the dog we’ve been watching for at ;est two years now. But no matter where Lynn feeds her, she will eat. Except lately she takes her treats and hides them for later. When I hide something, I forget where I put it.


  3. At least dogs have the grace to at least pretend they feel bad if they have done something wrong. I yell at Polly for clawing an armchair and she looks at me and goes right back to clawing it. Actually Cindy is better at stopping her from doing that than i am. She’ll go over and nudge her away from the chair. I don’t think Cindy cares about the chairs but she does not like me yelling.


    • Gibbs likes to dig in the sofa. The sofa does not like it and neither do I. I remind him gently. “Gibbs, stop clawing.” (2) “Gibbs! STOP CLAWING!” (3) ‘GIBBS! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? STOP IT NOW.”

      Guilt? No. He stops clawing and come over for a cuddle. As if he has to claw the sofa first?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dogs are much more logical than we irrational humans and they value structure (routine) and hierarchy.

    It’s hardly Gibbs’ fault if you set the rules for treats and then break them. He is simply reminding you that you are the boss (for as long as he lets you!) and that you are not following the treat ‘script’ 🙂 if you are going to establish a new rule you have to explain yourself ( to his satisfaction) beforehand.



    • Um, yes, I see. I have had serious discussions with him. He seemed to be listening, but i have found that my serious discussions do not affect him with the sense of direction I would have liked to see. Which is to say, he does whatever he wants to do and we give him treats.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I am a yelling kind of person, so I do yell at my cats and make sure they see I am NOT happy when they do something wrong. But that’s the worst abuse they have to put up with. Like a kid, they might cower and give you THOSE eyes while they’re getting their lecture… and no sooner as you walk away, they’re right back to doing whatever mischief it was they did to get in trouble in the first place. It’s cathartic for me, if not reformative for them….


    • I have not noticed that a firm talk with the dogs has any effect at all. They look sad and guilty and as soon as I shut up, they bounce up and down. “Treat? We listened, so now we get a treat, right?” They are so rarely yelled at that they at least listen, but that’s it. It certainly won’t change them and if I’m honest, I like their funny little disobedience.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Bear takes it very very seriously when I’m angry with her. She believes she deserves it 100% and is unworthy to be in my presence. I hardly ever yell at her — she has to do something REALLY indisputably bad (like chew up my flip-flops). All my other dogs, like all 20+ of them over the years? “Bad dog!”
    “Dude, I’m like, bad. Sorry Martha. Now what are we going to do? You want to take a walk?”
    But Bear…
    And they hate change. They all hate change and then they surprise you by making a cross-country move like they did it every day. 🙂


    • Gibbs is highly sensitive except when he completely ignores us and does what he wants. Then cringes in a corner because he knows he was wrong. It doesn’t mean he will do anything different the next time, only that he acknowledges that he was wrong. Weird pup.

      And I didn’t exactly yell at him. I spoke firmly. He wasn’t exactly cowed, either. He is changing. A year ago, he didn’t acknowledge that anyone but Garry and I existed and today, he will occasionally make friends with a total stranger. That’s huge … for Gibbs.

      Meanwhile, Bonnie is turning gray.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, those furry kids! 🙂


  8. What a fun response! I have a Yorkie who can be be a little finicky too. I just posted the other day about her not wanting to eat her vegetables with the rest of the family! ha I’m going to share this today 🙂


  9. Ha ha! Loved it, Marilyn. You have to have a sense of humor with those furry friends, except when… ❤


  10. Lovely, how we connect to pets even when there are language barriers. Our actions and attitude makes a lot of difference and they sense that. There is nothing more endearing that a pet loving you, one must just pamper them I feel..


  11. I’m chuckling away at the attitude of Gibbs. You two are a pair of softies.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Marilyn–I love this. I am always telling my husband, “Don’t yell at the cat. She’ll listen. Just be nice.” Says this poor human slave….

    Liked by 1 person


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