8 replies

  1. A great visualisation of the changing times we all go through, not just gates!

    Now tell me – how did you get the one Beware sign to come out pink? ( and please don’t tell me you ‘cheated’ and actually painted it pink before taking the photo?) 😉


    P.S. Making a new gate is a really easy thing to do: 7 palings, 2 rails and a crossbeam and some screws, plus a couple of hinges and a latch/lock – voila! as they say in France. 🙂


  2. I loved your seasonal gate as well…wonderful!


  3. love your seasonal gate- how different it looks in each!


  4. What a nice theme!


  5. Enjoyed this series of pics.


  6. Beautiful seasonal photos, Marilyn. (especially the summer time)


  7. New door, new boiler and now a new gate? Great photos.


    • The GATE is old. 17 years old, to be precise as of this week. We need a new gate and I want to get one of the PVC ones. It’s a cedar picket fence and they last a really long time, but the gate has gotten pretty beat up by weather and more, so it’s one of the “on the list” items. Sadly, we are out of money, so it’s all going to wait for the next emergency.

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