To say that we are on the cusp of “old” politics while beginning the “new,” is an understatement. Our world has changed. Fast and hard and it’s barreling down that mountain with every intent of flattening us. What’s next? Is there a next?

There has been this “issue” in American politics for a long time … twenty, maybe 30 or more years. Maybe since we started being a country at all.

Our citizens have always had a fundamental belief that an “outsider” can fix the government because “they aren’t part of the establishment.” If you think, for a moment, about how the United States became a government, it makes sense. We weren’t “released” from our status as a colony to become part of England’s worldwide network. We fought them and threw them out.

We won. They left. Even when they tried to come back (and damned near succeeded), even after we had to abandon Washington DC, we never returned to English over-lordship. We don’t have the Queen stamped on our money. We don’t bow — even reluctantly — to him or her Majesty in London.

We were free and not because they let us go. From that time since, we have viewed other nations as potential oppressors. When we decide we need to be “fixed,” we don’t look for someone who has spent a lifetime studying the system and making it work. Rather, we look for someone who comes from somewhere else. Who knows nothing. The less the better.

This policy doesn’t work. It never did, never will.

Let’s not even go back far in our short history. Look at James Earl “Jimmy” Carter Jr. (born October 1, 1924). He is an American politician who served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. He was and is an exceptionally intelligent, thoughtful man with a heart of gold. Who was practically run out of office. He didn’t fix the government. No one gave him half a chance. He was the governor of a southern state and he didn’t have the background to make it work. Not a single run as a senator or even congressman in DC. Since leaving office, he has worked ceaselessly on our behalf. He was — absolutely — a really good guy, but he was a miserable president.

If you aren’t part of the establishment, you’ll won’t easily get legislation through congress. Maybe not at all. Many presidents who were governors before election have had trouble getting help from congress. They weren’t half as stupid and bizarre as Trump-O-Matic.

There is a way business gets done in every parliament and congress around the world. It’s the way it has always been done.

Like this.

You give me something, I give you something. We call in our own personal markers — on both sides of the aisle — and voilà, the business gets done. The give-and-take of congress is the essence of democracy — yours, ours, or theirs. The most effective presidents (like Lyndon Johnson) were those who had a lot of markers to call.

Markers are not money. In fact, markers are rarely money but more “I owe you for this one.” Next round? Your guy comes through. Usually. You can’t just strong-arm everyone to “do your will.” Politics and government are not like that. This process is not evil. It’s simply how its done. How it was done back in Rome and Egypt. There is nothing new about this.

The critical thing that made this work well — when it works — is because people running a government care about us, the people. Greedy? Maybe, but they certainly aren’t in it for the money. They are in government to try to do something worthwhile. Many (probably most) were wealthy to start with, so the money wasn’t the issue.

Power hungry? Probably. If you don’t want power, you won’t run for president. Who else would want to run? You have to have a driving need to get to the top and a powerful belief you can do something worthwhile once you get there. Few of us have the will to start the process, much less finish it. I don’t, nor does anyone I know.

It isn’t really so hard to figure out why people would elect someone like Trump-O-Matic.  What’s a lot harder to figure out is why anyone trusted this moron to have some good ideas and to care whether or not he helped anyone but himself and his rich pals.

Trump-O-Matic was never in it to help anyone. I’m not convinced he understands that we — all of us — are his people. He doesn’t know what the first amendment is supposed to do, what an intelligence briefing is about … and I doubt he can read more than a few sentences at a time. He doesn’t understand the Constitution and should never have been president of anything. He’s a bigot, a con man … and worst of all … he’s a fool.

Don’t forget — the only reason Trump-O-Matic isn’t doing even more harm is his party is in fragments. They don’t like him and I’m betting they will do their best to avoid letting him run again in 2020. It’s the one thing in this seemingly endless nightmare for which I am grateful.

Categories: Cartoons, Congress, Government, Humor, political parties, Politics

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24 replies

  1. Nice and readable


  2. always, always remember, no matter what Trump now believes and insists on, we did NOT elect him. Never have I felt less empowered when I realized that the Electoral college overrode the 3M votes we gave Hillary, and elected the Donald. They elected him, not us.

    We went to bed with Hillary and woke up in the morning with Donald. yikes.


  3. Good Post Mr Marilyn,


  4. Steve Bannon.

    Otherwise Plato had it right in The Allegory of the Cave: anyone who really WANTS to lead the people should not be allowed to. The best leaders will be the wise and educated, loved and acclaimed by the populace and compelled into a position of leadership because they’ll be good at it.

    And I believe the “swamp” might be swamp like, but it makes more sense for experienced people with a good background to do any job. That “romantic” idea that some people have that an outsider is better is hogwash especially because you can be sure that they don’t like people who are different from them.


    • It’s like deciding you don’t want a PROFESSIONAL dentist to fix your teeth. You want someone who has good ideas about dentistry.

      We’ve tried that with our homes. Didn’t work so well there, either. The single thing that keeps me slightly sane is the thought that they won’t nominate 45 in 2020.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Trump was not officially part of The Establishment, but he was already part of The System before elected. Even during his campaign he boasted that he had, in the past, made large financial contributions to politicians (including Clinton) to support what he wanted (what was best for his business, I guess). Why did anyone think he was a true outsider? He’s been working the system for decades.

    We need to reform the political system in a way that tempers the power of Big Money — so the majority of regular people have a voice. Balance. If US politics didn’t provide a gravy train to those seeking to advance their personal wealth and power, maybe they wouldn’t run for office.


    • I am less concerned with tempering big money than finding people with big money who are not inherently evil in what they propose to do with it. I don’t (want to) believe that wealth always equals evil. But so many of the really bad ones seem drawn to politics. Maybe it’s the “power” thing. They need that power. Makes my stomach churn.

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      • I think a big part of the problem is that power corrupts – beginning with rationalizing. It would be a terrible temptation to any of us. That’s why the system must contain appropriate boundaries. By its nature, democratic rule exerts a more transparent and objective decision making process.


        • That’s the theory. So how in hell did we get this crazy person as our president? How were we so horribly misled that we could do this to America?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Democracy works when you have a well-informed people. Therefore, I lay responsibility for a Trump presidency at the door of our corporate owned and sponsored “news” media, which has little incentive to be objective. And our education system must focus more on developing independent thinking.


            • Although there’s truth in that, I think we can lay a fair amount of blame on a lot of racist people who’ve been waiting since the Civil War to trash anyone who isn’t white. And a lot of ignorant people who don’t care about the country, who are just pissed off that their lives aren’t going the way they want. There are a lot of people to blame. The important thing is not who to blame, but how to get out of this and back into a country that I can live in with feeling ill. If I’ve learned nothing else in this life, it’s that blame accomplishes nothing.

              Liked by 1 person

  6. The systems do seem to be different. Pretty boy got elected here and seems to run the whole show according to whim. Heaven help us all.


  7. I keep hoping that soon it will be revealed that the Russians, or some other alien group, rigged the election to put Trump in. The thought that US citizens, whom I have known and watched all my life, actually elected this guy goes against the grain. The Americans that I know are just as puzzled. I’m still waiting for that day when all is revealed and I can say “Phew, I didn’t think they’d actually elect him”.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve given up hoping that. Now I’m hoping that the GOP dump his ass in 2020 and we can move back to something resembling a real government. I just want to live to see it!


  8. “The Government” has two different kinds of people running it. Career Public Servants and Elected Representatives/Senators. Within each group there may be some who actually care about ‘the people’ and what is best (or what THEY think is best) for them or who at least start out caring before becoming a part of ‘the system’ and having to face how it runs. And then there are those whose number one priority is themselves – in both of the two types.

    You get a really good idea of the differences if you’ve ever read or watched Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister which were on UK television from the 70’s to the 90’s and still get the odd repeat. Basically the elected come and the elected go but the servants are there largely for life. (Although admittedly the US does seem to have a slightly different system in that the Prez can choose who he wants in important, non-elected governance positions!)

    As far as Politicians not doing it for the money is concerned. Just like Trump, politicians are still able to keep their personal businesses or consultancies or income earning investments while doing their other paid job as our representative. My personal Federal rep made $3.5 million last year from his two businesses he owns. And will end up with a massive pension for life when he finally gets booted out.


    Liked by 1 person

    • The U.S. system IS different, especially in this piece. We don’t have that kind of dedicated serving bureaucracy. We aren’t set up that way. Locally, maybe — teachers, police, fire fighters, school board members. But nationally, they ARE elected. That may be one of the biggest differences between the systems.

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      • Are you saying you don’t have a Federal civil service over there that does the actual Work of running Government?? Is the FBI, CIA, NSA and the million and one other departments for national Security for one example all run by elected officials??

        I know the elected ones THINK they are the ones making the decisions and putting them into practice – but really – what do THEY know?? ( or actually do?)

        My insight comes also from having worked for years in the bureaucracy which lasted largely unchanged (except for letterheads) through 3 different Federal governments with different parties ‘in charge’ and ‘answering’ to several different elected ministers.


        Liked by 1 person

        • CIA etc. are military, not civilian. Civilian in theory, but NOT really. All those government intelligence agencies are run like the military and to keep calling them civilian is slightly ridiculous. And of course, the real military is something else and run by different people with (in theory) the President as head of it. I have NO idea what is really going on right now. The bureaucracy is civilian and yes, they do the work, but they do not make decisions. The actual elected and appointed members of the government are the decision makers. The military has its own path.

          Appointed heads of agencies are handed out by whoever has been elected president (or whoever has been designated by them to make such appointments). They “serve at the will of the president” and they RESIGN each time a new president comes into office. Some are rehired, many are not. Their underlings remain (usually), but the underlings are NOT decision makers. It would be better your way.

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        • The idea of “career public servant” is a good one. We have them in the private sector, people who spend their entire lives running public corporations, raising money, “fighting the good fight,” and so on. Although we have a huge government bureaucracy, it is broken down into agencies and the agency HEAD is generally appointed by the president or a surrogate who is part of that administration. In normal circumstances, there would be no need to change heads for all agencies and at least half of the heads would have stayed on. The more important the agency, the more likely there will be a change at the top. It is called “patronage” and it started about 200 years ago under Andrew Jackson.

          Not THIS time, however. They are all required to deliver a resignation, however. It doesn’t always mean they are “out,” but it means it is up to the new administration to decide what to do with them. If they were installed non-politically, it would provide a smoother ride for we citizens because we could know that the world would just keep rolling along, even when the government changes.

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