For the past two weeks, readership here has dropped off by about 200% … overnight. Although it’s possible everyone is mad at us at the same time for no discernible reason, I think it is more likely that WordPress Reader has — again — deleted the blog from the Reader. It isn’t the first time they have done this — and I’m sure it won’t be the last time. Whenever they decide to “fix” their software, they knock thousands of us out of the Reader and if we complain, they don’t even say “oops,” sorry because they really don’t much care.

If you see this on Facebook (because I’m pretty sure it won’t be in your Reader), you might want to pop around to see what’s going on. This is why, by the way, I use email notifications and avoid the Reader. Email notifications usually come through no matter what they do to their software. It makes my email get all bloated, but at least I know who has written stuff and can get there to take a look.

WordPress is “fixing” their software again. Whatever problems you’re having, probably other people are having them too. Screens are locking up. My cursor is jumping around like a hop-toad and the items on my dashboard blink or shimmy.

So. I’m not on vacation, not sick, nor off visiting another country. I’m right here, at home, dogs and all. Writing my heart out for you, my beloved friends.

Hope to see you again sometime soon!

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58 replies

  1. Working okay on mine but I’ve had various problems with WP and FB, including with images not loading. xx


    • Good to know. There are people with whom I can’t get in touch at all. WordPress is declaring them as not existing on their server, though I can find the listing in email and on Twitter … but no access. I think the problem is actually getting worse.


  2. I read exclusively through the WP Reader, and always know when I’ve gotten to the previous evening’s posts by when I come across the block from your blog. I would definitely notice if you went missing from the Reader, and it hasn’t happened on my end yet.


    • I knew who I was missing. I could see their posts, but apparently they weren’t seeing my comments. A few people have posted to say that they are apparently invisible on a lot of posts. It’s just WP being WP.


  3. I noticed you started following me- but thought you always were- the reader and wordpress have kinks galore it seems


    • Yes, they do and they never end. You fix them, then they break them. I don’t even remember h ow many times they have deleted some or all of my contacts. At least I’ve gotten used to is. Good to have you back 🙂 I had you on email, so i didn’t notice that the Reader had locked your up.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I was worried that they did it because of your controversial political posts! I trust that it was just a mistake and not what I suspected: censorship. A similar thing happened to me but not on WP. Pinterest deleted my account for no reason and their advice for how to reinstate it hasn’t worked. They ignored my last request for help. Just for your info, I rarely look at posts that are on my reader -I get them from email notifications.


  5. Well, this comes at a very opportune moment as I was wondering why I have not been receiving comments or visitors as frequently as I have in the past. Except I WAS on vacation, of sorts, and had very limited access so have not been able to comment on those I follow- you being one of them. I hope to get back into the swing of things starting today but catching up at work does take some time.


    • Summer is slow, so I was figuring it was just people on vacation. Except the other day, Garry’s post got 1000 hits. He publicizes everything on Facebook. Finally, I contacted a couple of people and they thought I was away on vacation. I went to the Reader and reset everything. Hopefully that fixed it. Every time WordPress does a reset for some new piece of software, they knock half my settings to closed. This time, at least they left the notifications in place, so all I had to do was reset them. Sometimes, they actually make all the people you’re following disappear.

      But summer does tend to be slow, so I wasn’t worrying until suddenly, i realized people I always hear from were missing.


      • Well, now you understand why I haven’t been hanging around as much lately, either. We’ve been traveling quite a bit these past few months. Just got back from San Diego and leaving for San Francisco in 3 weeks, then a wedding in Utah in September, and visiting my son in Minnesota in October. So far, nothing in November and December! 🙂


  6. You’re in my reader. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I get your notices via email too. Just don’t want to miss anything from you. I also noticed that I have to click on the bell three times to get it to open. (once doesn’t open, twice opens and closes, three times opens closes and opens)What the heck are they doing?


    • I don’t know. Some people are getting dead links to other people’s links. I’ve been getting a lot of dead links … and that’s from the email notices. I wonder if there’s any point in mentioning to their “happiness engineers”? They’ve been putting out a LOT of dead links. Sometimes mine, sometimes their OWN, and also other bloggers. The post comes in via email, I click on the header and it’s says “Oops …” then nothing. Sometimes, you get that weird error which says “WordPress error, you cannot edit here” and it isn’t even your own files.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. i found you here on my reader and you are right, they just cannot stop themselves from ‘fixing’ long enough for anyone of us to keep our rhythms going –


  9. Dear Marilyn, I am so glad to know that you are not sick, and you are right – they do not care.


  10. I don’t use the Reader but I just opened it and scrolled down and found all your posts. So you’re working in mine 🙂


  11. I hate the Reader, so follow most blogs via email. That also gets reset occasionally and I lose my subscriptions…or they all get turned off. It has been very quiet around my blog, Stuart’s and the Silent Eye for the past few days too… I dread the new changes….


  12. I never have a problem with the reader and that is mainly where I find you. I have been away for just two days and my stats have dropped, but I expected that as I was not posting, no problem.


  13. FWIW, I still see your posts in my reader. Well, I see the ones that show up in my reader, anyway.


  14. I too get your posts via email so i don’t miss out. 🙂

    Speaking of weird WP stuff – i dropped by the blog of a new recent visitor, one kind enough to leave a comment and was surprised to find we shared a couple of similar blogs from our blogfeed list. Then i noticed we actually had EXACTLY THE SAME blogfeed list – right down to the ordering!?

    Now it could be that this particular blogger had a fetish for copying other people’s blogfeeds and putting them into their own – i mean it takes all kinds right? But since this blogger has been posting for over 2 years i’d imagine her blogfeed would be unimaginably long by now if she did it with every blog she visits?

    I prefer to think it’s yet another weird wordpress stuff-up. And a somewhat unique one i cannot really understand the how’s let alone the why’s.



    • That is weird, though we all tend to hook up with each other over time. You were one of the people missing from my list, but since I get your emails, I didn’t notice. That’s why I didn’t know there was a problem.


  15. I have seen your posts on the reader too but I think sometimes we get our “fixes” a bit later in this part of the world. I did notice a big drop in my own views over the weekend but that tends to happen from time to time so I just assumed everyone was busy.


  16. I have been getting you on my reader feed. I guess that makes me one of the lucky ones!


  17. Sorry — I’ve been a little lax in my responses, too — the weather and a lot of medical appointments, and visitors, and other stuff have kept me super busy. I actually see WP posts on my email, so son’t have problems with the Reader. Will try to do better!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I know some people have gone missing. I also discovered about half of my OWN list had closed down.


    • Slmret, same problems here, including family “stuff”. Plus, I’ve gotten stuck with long responses, catching up with a couple of old friends and find myself playing catch up. It is what it is.


  18. I am reading this on my reader feed as of Sunday night.


    • I just went in and messed with my settings, hoping I would “reset” myself on the Reader. I knew there was a reason why suddenly, everyone disappeared! I was getting kind of LONELY.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’m way behind with everything. Serendipity, gmail, etc. I may have to skip comments on some things. Sorry.
