The weather has changed. It finally feels sort of Autumny, but it doesn’t really look it. We had friends over today. Cherrie commented that she wonders if we are even going to get a real fall this year. I thought by today we’d be seeing real color, but there’s not much. I haven’t lost hope yet … but I think we can say this isn’t going to be one of the really great seasons. We may yet get a week or two of color, but …

I took a few pictures today. This is as much Autumn as I could find. Tomorrow, we are going to go get flu shots, so we’ll bring cameras. Maybe there’s more color over at the dam or on the canal. We can hope.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley

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12 replies

  1. The weather is suppose to be nice this week again. Yippee!


  2. For someone like me from a place where we don’t get autumn, this is a beautiful time to come onto people’s blog and see them capture the Fall transition.
    I think the little colour that you get puts you in a far beautiful landscape than us (we are still facing scorching heat during the day in New Delhi). But I would say, have a bit of faith, nature might just surprise you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It might. It has done so before, but this is VERY late and leaves are already falling without having changed color first. Maybe it was the long, hot month of September that did it.


  3. we also have a lot of dead brown on the ground- where they came from- who knows! some trees are beginning on the top to show a hint of color


    • We’ve got little hings of color here and there, but nothing like the usual autumn display. But the dead leaves are falling anyway, so foliage or not, autumn will move on into winter.


  4. Have a little faith in Old Mom Nature… we might be messing her around a little but she’ll put on a show, even if it might be a smidge curtailed this year. She’ll bounce back! 🙂



    • I hope so. I so love the autumn and to miss the season is depressing. But you can’t make sense of this stuff and it has been a strange, unpleasant year for weather. I’m still hoping for at least a taste of the season, even if it is short.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s the same here, although the leaves are now beginning to fall. I take a photo of every red leaved tree I see, but they are few and far between.


    • Almost non-existent here. It looks like we aren’t going to get our season. Bummer! I look forward to this every year, but I don’t see any evidence of it at all.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yesterday was truly a FUN day!! Classic autumn day and an afternoon with old friends, Cherrie and Ron. Lots of laughter, fun and cheer.
