13 replies

  1. Awww, these look so appealing. What’s your size? I really love the photo and interpretation, Marilyn.


    • I’m just a little over 5 feet aka short. This was a big one, maybe 40 feet high — like three stories? They don’t usually get that big because pieces of them drop off as they age. This one was in good shape because the owner was cutting branches before they fell and I suspect feeding it, too. These normally live in the Sonoran desert where they get almost no rain and lots of sand and blazing heat. Truly, this was the biggest ironwood I’ve ever seen and in remarkably healthy condition. Of course, it was in someone’s front yard, so you don’t get the “vistas” of desert … but that was why it WAS so healthy!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So Australian………..warm but yes not for when out in the rain or near puddles 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Now that will keep your feet warm.

    Liked by 1 person


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